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Military2版 - 陆基中段反导测试所用洲际靶弹携带了多枚诱饵弹,惰性主弹头被系统成功识别
US fails to intercept missile in overnight test美将首度进行洲际弹道飞弹拦截测试
老毛子射了missile defense killer ICBM ZT美三艘航母罕见同时现身西太平洋
India Conducts Fourth Consecutive Interceptor Missile Test中国新型反导武器低调曝光 可拦截27倍音速目标
印度大气层外拦截没成功,两者之间距离尚待计算US Successfully Tracks ICBM Flight Path
《南华早报》等媒体: 中国反导拦截取得突破我国防部证实中共试射巨浪2:一切尽在掌握中ZT
(图文)港媒:陆基反导小试牛刀 我杀手锏试验将更多周一,朝鲜发射飞毛腿级别短程弹道导弹,飞行距离450公里!
话题: north话题: syring话题: missile话题: said话题: icbm
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 22479
A hit-to-kill test over the Pacific showed U.S. missile defenses can destroy
intercontinental ballistic missile targets using decoys and protect against
an eventual North Korean threat, the head of the Missile Defense Agency
said Wednesday.
Vice Adm. James Syring said Tuesday's test in which an interceptor fired
from California "completely obliterated" an ICBM-type target launched from
Kwajalein Atoll would have worked "if it had been a North Korean launch."
He said the Ground-based Midcourse Defense missile launched from a silo at
Vandenberg Air Force Base hit the ICBM target head-on in space northeast of
Hawaii. Syring also confirmed that the test in the increasingly expensive
and expanding missile defense program cost about $244 million.
"I was confident before the test that we had the capability to defeat any
threat that they would throw at us," Syring said in a phone briefing to the
Pentagon. "And I'm even more confident today after seeing the intercept test
yesterday that we continue to be on that course."
North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un has boasted that his missile programs will
eventually produce an ICBM capable of hitting the U.S. mainland with a
nuclear warhead.
Missile technology analysts have estimated that North Korea might have a
nuclear-capable ICBM by 2020 but Syring said U.S. defenses were keeping
ahead of the threat.
Syring said the test showed that the U.S. was "ahead of where we think the
threat will go" from North Korea for the next several years. "The
interceptor that we flew yesterday certainly keeps pace with and I would
actually say helps us outpace the threat through 2020," he said.
Syring also pushed back against critics who have charged that the GMD tests
thus far have lacked realism since the targets did not deploy decoys and the
interceptor crews knew when and where the target would be launched and
possibly even the trajectory.
However, Syring said decoys were used in Tuesday's test and in some previous
tests, contrary to what he said were published reports that GMD was not
going up against decoys.
He also said that the interceptor teams at U.S. Northern Command working at
consoles in Colorado Springs knew where the target would be launched from
but only had a launch window of several hours on when the target launch
would take place.
Tuesday's intercept was the first live-fire test against a simulated ICBM
for the the GMD, managed by Boeing Co (BA.N).
North Korea has greatly increased its own tests of short and medium-range
missiles in recent months and on Monday, Kim Jong-un supervised another
launch, the North's Korean Central News Agency reported.
Kim said the launch was a precursor in the development of larger missile "to
send a bigger gift package to the Yankees," KCNA said.
1 (共1页)
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US fails to intercept missile in overnight test美将首度进行洲际弹道飞弹拦截测试
老毛子射了missile defense killer ICBM ZT美三艘航母罕见同时现身西太平洋
India Conducts Fourth Consecutive Interceptor Missile Test中国新型反导武器低调曝光 可拦截27倍音速目标
话题: north话题: syring话题: missile话题: said话题: icbm