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Military2版 - 美空军今夏测试战斗机机载自卫高能激光炮, 50千瓦!
Lockheed Martin的激光反火箭弹ZT航空周刊有关TG四代机的文章
抢劫犯南救510船在犯罪现场向警察DDG89马斯廷乖乖缴上赃物落马放风说 F-35 降价 20%
Engineer: Iran hijacked US drone (转载)维基泄密这事可能反映出美国军队信息过载到了很危险的地步
要不要也找个地方搁浅呢: 美国将退役军舰改造为新式武器蓝翔技校又发威了?
话题: laser话题: air话题: weapon话题: force话题: navy
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 22479
David Brennan
Newsweek•March 20, 2018
The U.S. Air Force will conduct summer tests of laser weapons, which will be
mounted on fighter jets and could be used to destroy drones and missiles.
An Air Force official told reporters on Monday that the laser weapon will
eventually be mounted on an F-15 warplane. The test device will have 50
kilowatts of power, according to The Japan Times.
“We have got tests starting this summer and the flight tests next summer,”
Jeff Stanley, deputy assistant secretary of the Air Force for science,
technology and engineering, told the press. “There are still some technical
challenges that we have to overcome, mainly size, weight, power.”
The test is part of the Self-protect High Energy Laser Demonstrator—or
SHiELD—project, being conducted by the Pentagon with global security and
aerospace firm Lockheed Martin. In 2017, the U.S. military awarded the
company a $26 million contract for the program, which aims to produce a
fighter-compatible laser weapon for Air Force use by 2021.
F-15 jet Air Force in Wales
An F-15 fighter jet pictured on February 16, 2018, in Dolgellau, Wales, U.K.
The laser weapon will eventually be fitted to an F-15 for further testing.
Christopher Furlong/Getty Images
The weapon will eventually be integrated with a pod to power and cool the
laser and a beam-control system to target the laser beam.
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The Air Force wants to use the SHiELD weapon on its fifth generation F-22
Raptor and F-35 Lightning II fighter jets. It is also considering its use in
bomber aircraft still under development, such as the B-21 Raider.
The weapon is being developed to better protect American warplanes against
ground-to-air and air-to-air missiles, and could also be used offensively to
take down drones and cruise missiles mid-flight.
The U.S. military has been developing a range of laser options to be mounted
on planes, warships and ground vehicles. Invisible to the naked eye, laser
beams can destroy targets such as enemy vehicles or weapons by causing parts
to overheat and explode. Laser beams can also disrupt sensors and
navigation, blinding enemy forces.
USS Ponce laser weapon test
A laser weapon system is tested aboard the USS Ponce in this November 15,
2014 U.S. Navy handout photo. John Williams/U.S. Navy/Handout via Reuters
Some of the major challenges to practical use of such systems are their size
and weight. Thus far, Navy ships have been most suited to field tests of
the technology. The USS Ponce amphibious transport ship was fitted with a 30
-kilowatt laser weapon in 2014 that was able to take down test drones and
destroy ordinance.
Northrop Grumman has now been awarded a $21.5 million Navy contract to
continue development of the USS Ponce prototype, and it is working on a more
powerful laser that can be used to disable or destroy enemy ships, unmanned
aerial vehicles or surveillance sensors.
The U.S. Army is currently preparing to test a 60-kilowatt Lockheed Martin
laser, which can be mounted on ground vehicles.
发帖数: 22479
1 (共1页)
据说是毛子的酸贴Engineer: Iran hijacked US drone (转载)
丝带又取得一点发展时间:美国防部将F-35战斗机项目暂缓两年要不要也找个地方搁浅呢: 美国将退役军舰改造为新式武器
Lockheed Martin的激光反火箭弹ZT航空周刊有关TG四代机的文章
抢劫犯南救510船在犯罪现场向警察DDG89马斯廷乖乖缴上赃物落马放风说 F-35 降价 20%
话题: laser话题: air话题: weapon话题: force话题: navy