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Missouri版 - great opportunity
New Student Info (Univ. of Missouri-Columbia)Invitation of 2007 conference for Environment &Public Health Network
USC-Ming Qu & Ying Wu的追悼会(视频,照片), R.I.P. (转载)ENCSS application: to be one in the network about environment and public health
老公穷凶极恶骂我,要不要报复? (转载)ENCSS application: to be one in the network about environment and public health
great opportunityInvitation of 2007 conference for Environment &Public Health Network
great opportunityENCSS application: to be one in the network about environment and public health
great oppotunitygreat opportunity
Invitation of 2007 conference for Environment &Public Health NetworkJob Opportunity at Milwaukee, Wisconsin
ENCSS application: to be one in the network about environment and public healthlooking for a post-doc or visiting scholar opportunity (
话题: great话题: health话题: public
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 12
Dear Friends,
Here is a great opportunity for you if you are interested environment and
public health related issues, including policy, business, technology, and
research. Environment & Public Health Network for Chinese Students and
Scholars (ENCSS www.encss.org) is holding its second bi-national annual
conference (US and China) in Madison, Wisconsin on June 20-25.
The deadline for registration is May 20, 2007. Please reply send an email to
e*********[email protected] if you are planning to attend. On
1 (共1页)
looking for a post-doc or visiting scholar opportunity (great opportunity
job opportunitygreat oppotunity
MCW 的 yahoo groupInvitation of 2007 conference for Environment &Public Health Network
environement nesting problemENCSS application: to be one in the network about environment and public health
New Student Info (Univ. of Missouri-Columbia)Invitation of 2007 conference for Environment &Public Health Network
USC-Ming Qu & Ying Wu的追悼会(视频,照片), R.I.P. (转载)ENCSS application: to be one in the network about environment and public health
老公穷凶极恶骂我,要不要报复? (转载)ENCSS application: to be one in the network about environment and public health
great opportunityInvitation of 2007 conference for Environment &Public Health Network
话题: great话题: health话题: public