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Missouri版 - Karplus, Levitt, Warshel win 2013 Nobel prize for chemistry
被carx骗了? (转载)Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2013 to Theoretical Comp Chemists
哥伦比亚女学生状告沃尔沃说在广告里把她弄得像妓女 (转载)一个不待见中国人的右逼有啥前途?
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Karplus, Levitt, Warshel win 2013 Nobel prize for chemistr化学炸药奖——分子机的设计和合成 (转载)
Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2013 to Theoretical Comp ChemistsStockholm attack suspect was refused residency
Nobel Prize for chemistry 2013TG输出价值观,以色列成立5毛军队
话题: warshel话题: said话题: university话题: levitt话题: karplus
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发帖数: 10208
hree U.S.-based scientists won this year's Nobel Prize in chemistry on
Wednesday for developing powerful computer models that others can use to
understand complex chemical interactions and create new drugs.
Research in the 1970s by Martin Karplus, Michael Levitt and Arieh Warshel
has helped scientists develop programs that unveil chemical processes such
as the purification of exhaust fumes or photosynthesis in green leaves, the
Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences said. That kind of knowledge makes it
possible to optimize catalysts for cars or design drugs and solar cells.
"This year's prize is about taking the chemical experiment to cyberspace,"
said Staffan Normark, the academy's secretary.
Karplus, an 83-year-old U.S. and Austrian citizen, is affiliated with the
University of Strasbourg, France, and Harvard University. The academy said
Levitt, 66, is a British, U.S., and Israeli citizen and a professor at the
Stanford University School of Medicine. Warshel, 72, is a U.S. and Israeli
citizen affiliated with the University of Southern California in Los Angeles.
Warshel told a news conference in Stockholm by telephone that he was "
extremely happy" to have been woken up in the middle of the night in Los
Angeles to find out he had won the prize and looks forward to collecting it
in the Swedish capital in December.
"In short, what we developed is a way which requires computers to look, to
take the structure of the protein and then to eventually understand how
exactly it does what it does," Warshel said.
When scientists wanted to simulate complex chemical processes on computers,
they used to have to choose between software that was based on classical
Newtownian physics or ones based on quantum physics. But the academy said
the three laureates developed computer models that "opened a gate between
these two worlds."
The strength of their methods is that they can be used to study all kinds of
chemistry, it said.
"Scientists can optimize solar cells, catalysts in motor vehicles or even
drugs, to take but a few examples," the academy said.
Working together at Harvard in the early 1970s, Karplus and Warshel
developed a computer program that brought together classical and quantum
physics. Warshel later joined forces with Levitt at the Weizeman institute
in Rehovot, Israel, and at the University of Cambridge in Britain, to
develop a program that could be used to study enzymes.
Jeremy Berg, a professor of computational and systems biology at the
University of Pittsburgh, said the winning work gives scientists a way to
understand complicated reactions that involve thousands to millions of atoms.
"There are thousands of laboratories around the world using these methods,
both for basic biochemistry and for things like drug design," said Berg,
former director of the National Institute of General Medical Sciences in
Many drug companies use computer simulations to screen substances for their
potential as medicines, which lets them focus their chemistry lab work on
those that look promising, he said.
Marinda Li Wu, president of the American Chemical Society, was equally
enthusiastic about the award.
"I think it's fabulous," she said in a telephone interview. `'They're
talking about the partnering of theoreticians with experimentalists, and how
this has led to greater understanding."
That is "bringing better understanding to problems that couldn't be solved
experimentally," she said. "We're starting as scientists to better
understand things like how pharmaceutical drugs interact with proteins in
our body to treat diseases. This is very, very exciting."
Earlier this week, three Americans won the Nobel Prize in medicine for
discoveries about how key substances are moved around within cells and the
physics award went to British and Belgian scientists whose theories help
explain how matter formed in the universe after the Big Bang.
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TG输出价值观,以色列成立5毛军队Karplus, Levitt, Warshel win 2013 Nobel prize for chemistr
这次飞机失事没有中国人Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2013 to Theoretical Comp Chemists
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被carx骗了? (转载)Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2013 to Theoretical Comp Chemists
哥伦比亚女学生状告沃尔沃说在广告里把她弄得像妓女 (转载)一个不待见中国人的右逼有啥前途?
zz Alice Munro Wins Nobel Prize in Literature生物的同学如何增强计算背景。?
话题: warshel话题: said话题: university话题: levitt话题: karplus