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MobileDevelopment版 - British prime minister says he’ll ban encrypted chat apps if he can’t see your messages
Android L to use device encryption by default欢迎whatsapp模仿微信,相互模仿挺好的 (转载)
Edward Snowden’s Privacy Tips: “Get Rid Of Dropbox,” Avoid Facebook And GoogleTwitter Opens Mobile App Promotion Program Out of Beta
Twitter and Facebook tied in high school popularity contestFrench app to show support for Je Suis Charlie campaign approved in one hour after contacting Cook
Facebook is all-in with mobile, CEO Zuckerberg says有必要开发一个短信版sanpchat
[other news]Confirmed: Snapchat’s Evan Spiegel Is Kind Of An Ass美帝前官员现在说话很赤裸裸
App Annie最新报告显示,游戏在Google Play收益中已占比90%温哥华新房吐血大甩卖
Introducing Snapcash网球就是网球:英国首相凭什么要给Murray封爵?
大家对reverse-engineer的app有什么legal方面的看法?UK minister quits over 'morally indefensible' Gaza policy
话题: encrypted话题: apps话题: cameron话题: british话题: he
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1034
For several months we’ve followed the U.S. government’s attempts to work
around encryption in chat apps, even taking the hyperbole to an illogical
extreme at one point, but we haven’t yet seen similar threats from other
nations… or at least, we hadn’t until today.
British prime minister David Cameron said today that unless the government
is given backdoor access to encrypted messaging services, he’s just going
to outlaw them:
“Are we going to allow a means of communications which it simply isn’t
possible to read?” Cameron said Monday while campaigning, in reference to
apps such as WhatsApp, Snapchat, and other encrypted services. “My answer
to that question is: ‘No, we must not.'”
Citing the recent terrorist attack in Paris, Cameron made the elimination of
private communications part of his re-election platform.
Whether he would actually be able to follow through on such a promise is not
yet known. Affected services would include offerings such as iMessage,
WhatsApp, and other popular apps.
1 (共1页)
UK minister quits over 'morally indefensible' Gaza policy[other news]Confirmed: Snapchat’s Evan Spiegel Is Kind Of An Ass
英国将采取匿名入学申请的办法,希望美国也取消平权行动App Annie最新报告显示,游戏在Google Play收益中已占比90%
现在国内急需要可以大规模保密通信的软件Introducing Snapcash
U.K. Prime Minister: "I Support Gay Marriage"大家对reverse-engineer的app有什么legal方面的看法?
Android L to use device encryption by default欢迎whatsapp模仿微信,相互模仿挺好的 (转载)
Edward Snowden’s Privacy Tips: “Get Rid Of Dropbox,” Avoid Facebook And GoogleTwitter Opens Mobile App Promotion Program Out of Beta
Twitter and Facebook tied in high school popularity contestFrench app to show support for Je Suis Charlie campaign approved in one hour after contacting Cook
Facebook is all-in with mobile, CEO Zuckerberg says有必要开发一个短信版sanpchat
话题: encrypted话题: apps话题: cameron话题: british话题: he