

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
MobileDevelopment版 - US carriers make it (somewhat) easier to unlock your phone
Windows Phone now lets you browse your filesApple said to be working with American Express on iPhone 6 mobile payments
NSA wants to look for faces, tooApple's latest pre-order record shows people want bigger iPhones
[Other]GenesEdward Snowden’s Privacy Tips: “Get Rid Of Dropbox,” Avoid Facebook And Google
Amazon phoneFacebook’s AI team hires Vladimir Vapnik
正式推出本站《站规》完整版 (转载)FTC fines TracFone $40 million for throttling ‘unlimited’ data plans
Obama announces program to help small businesses get paid faster, Apple signs on真正的5G时代即将来临
Chinese input for Blackberry?亚马逊的智能音箱 Echo 销量达到 500 万 zz
There’s no hope for Amazon’s Fire PhoneApple facing class-action lawsuit by 20,000 of its own employees
话题: us话题: carriers话题: your话题: phone话题: cellular
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发帖数: 1034
by Jon Fingas | @jonfingas | February 11th 2015 at 9:10 pm
If you've struggled with getting your carrier to unlock your phone so that
you can easily travel abroad -- or, gasp, switch providers -- today is an
important day. As promised, seven US networks (AT&T, Bluegrass Cellular,
Cellcom, Sprint, T-Mobile, US Cellular and Verizon) are now honoring a
voluntary code of conduct that, among other things, lets you get your phone
unlocked without a big fight. As a rule, carriers will agree to derestrict
your phone after you've paid off your device or service contract. You'll
have to ask most of them to do it, which could take up to two days. It's
easier on a couple of carriers, however. Sprint will automatically unlock
SIM-based cellular service on phones bought from today onward, while T-
Mobile bundles an app with newer phones that lets you start the process
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Apple facing class-action lawsuit by 20,000 of its own employees正式推出本站《站规》完整版 (转载)
EU’s ‘right to be forgotten’ law hits WikipediaObama announces program to help small businesses get paid faster, Apple signs on
Target买的6s是什么运营商的啊?Chinese input for Blackberry?
Carriers Quiet on Prospects for FaceTime Over Cellular Networks with iOS 6There’s no hope for Amazon’s Fire Phone
Windows Phone now lets you browse your filesApple said to be working with American Express on iPhone 6 mobile payments
NSA wants to look for faces, tooApple's latest pre-order record shows people want bigger iPhones
[Other]GenesEdward Snowden’s Privacy Tips: “Get Rid Of Dropbox,” Avoid Facebook And Google
Amazon phoneFacebook’s AI team hires Vladimir Vapnik
话题: us话题: carriers话题: your话题: phone话题: cellular