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Money版 - Are your deposits insured?
[合集] mySmartCash 的疑问有人知道这个理财产品么:Flexible Premium and Adjustable Life Insurance With Indexed Features
准备开始工作,有什么推荐的direct deposit的银行? (转载)amex car rental insurance
ING这个银行安全吗?[合集] CITI SHOPPER ADVANTAGE program check $10 问?
Fidelity里的钱安全吗?自动买股票了?cc bonus收不收税的解释
fidelity open bonus fund FDICRe: 关于Health Insurance....
Ally online saving vs. money marketRe: 现在买I-BOND还是EE-BOND?
Fidelity Amex credit card可以租车的时候用来cover保险吗?大家可以考虑买life insurance
Auto Insurance Score 818,为何Insurability is poor?买life insurance归来
话题: deposits话题: 000话题: insured话题: husband话题: account
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 47
It's reasonable to assume that if you put money in a bank account, it's money
you don't want to risk losing.
You didn't chance it in some dicey investment, and you expect it to be there
when you need it. In fact, you expect it to be safe even if the bank fails.
Well, you're safe if your account has $100,000 or less. The Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation insures deposits up to $100,000 at most banks and
savings associations. Credit Union dep
发帖数: 5282
This is a good article, though a little bit long. Let me summarize:
If the accounts are set up properly, a husband and wife could have upwards of
$800,000 fully insured at one bank, according to Barr.
Here's how it would work:
* Husband and wife each have $100,000 in an individual account.
* The couple has $200,000 in a joint account.
* Husband and wife each have $100,000 in individual retirement accounts.
* Husband and wife each set up $100,000 revocable trust accounts, payable

【在 T*******e 的大作中提到】
: http://www.bankrate.com/brm/news/bank/20020304a.asp
: It's reasonable to assume that if you put money in a bank account, it's money
: you don't want to risk losing.
: You didn't chance it in some dicey investment, and you expect it to be there
: when you need it. In fact, you expect it to be safe even if the bank fails.
: Well, you're safe if your account has $100,000 or less. The Federal Deposit
: Insurance Corporation insures deposits up to $100,000 at most banks and
: savings associations. Credit Union dep

1 (共1页)
买life insurance归来fidelity open bonus fund FDIC
ING FAQ (Version 0.2)Ally online saving vs. money market
Presidential FAQ (Version 0.1)Fidelity Amex credit card可以租车的时候用来cover保险吗?
Re: 有人了解credit union的money market / moneyAuto Insurance Score 818,为何Insurability is poor?
[合集] mySmartCash 的疑问有人知道这个理财产品么:Flexible Premium and Adjustable Life Insurance With Indexed Features
准备开始工作,有什么推荐的direct deposit的银行? (转载)amex car rental insurance
ING这个银行安全吗?[合集] CITI SHOPPER ADVANTAGE program check $10 问?
Fidelity里的钱安全吗?自动买股票了?cc bonus收不收税的解释
话题: deposits话题: 000话题: insured话题: husband话题: account