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Money版 - 如果有USAIR Dividend账户的
怎么样快速得到USAIRWAYS的ELITE?赶上了 US Airways Dividend card 最后一波大潮
USAir卡可以免费托运AA航空吗今天收到US Airways卡
US airway, buy or gift miles 100% bonus (似乎得有信用卡)US Airways up to 50000 dividend miles for premier cc
US AIRWAY和AA的miles貌似不能合并啊!60,000 US Airways Dividend Miles
us airways现在还有免第一年年费的offer吗?USairway 100%bonus有人准备搞么,求搭档 (转载)
US Airway最近疯了?barclays的us airways卡
US Airway Master card没有annual里程了? 忘记是每年给多少了已经申了us airways premier cc
Barclay 家 US airway 每年送10,000 迈不变sears 9X
话题: miles话题: dividend话题: rep话题: me话题: us
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 903
Upon Prompting, US Airways Decides to Honor Their 1,000 Mile Promise
by The Points Guy on April 11, 2011
On Saturday I wrote about [thepointsguy.com]my displeasure with US Airway’s
handling of their botched
email promising many of their Dividend Miles members 1,000 points.
Well, today I decided to call and ask a phone rep for the miles, because I
heard some people had success
doing that.
I called 800-428-4322 and then hit 3 for Dividend Miles. I entered my
Dividend Miles number and zip code
when prompted by Alan, their chipper automated machine. I then hit 0 when
they started rattling off my
account information and was immediately transferred to a phone rep.
Me: “Hi there. I got an email from US Airways recently promising me 1,000
free miles and they still haven’t
showed up in my account”.
Rep: “Oh really? When did you get this email?”
Me: “I think it was Tuesday- it said miles would be waiting in my account,
but I checked all week and they
still aren’t there.”
Rep: “Please verify your account number, address and phone number”
Me: Provides details.
Rep: “Sir, thank you so much for your patience. I’ve just added the 1,000
points to your account so your
new balance is xxx,xxx. Have a great day”
Me: “Thanks, you too!”
Lo and behold my account already shows the new “Customer appreciation bonus
” miles. I am not elite with
US Airways, so I was surprised I got the miles. If you have a couple minutes
, it might behoove you to give
them a ring and ask for the miles. As much as people say this isn’t a PR
nightmare- I agree, it’s not a
nightmare, but it sure isn’t good
1 (共1页)
sears 9Xus airways现在还有免第一年年费的offer吗?
有人了解us airway卡么?我看的有点晕。。。 (转载)US Airway最近疯了?
US Airways 100% bonus--buy or gift milesUS Airway Master card没有annual里程了? 忘记是每年给多少了已经
额,你们us airways能查到状态么?Barclay 家 US airway 每年送10,000 迈不变
怎么样快速得到USAIRWAYS的ELITE?赶上了 US Airways Dividend card 最后一波大潮
USAir卡可以免费托运AA航空吗今天收到US Airways卡
US airway, buy or gift miles 100% bonus (似乎得有信用卡)US Airways up to 50000 dividend miles for premier cc
US AIRWAY和AA的miles貌似不能合并啊!60,000 US Airways Dividend Miles
话题: miles话题: dividend话题: rep话题: me话题: us