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Money版 - New Rules for Getting 2 Citi Credit Cards (zz from MMS)
citi的申请现在是不是还是65days rule?第二次申请的UA卡50K到帐了。
Citi AA卡改policy了?有过AA的卡,现在这个75K,又批了的同学进来讨论一下。
CITI AA的visa和mastercard不能同时拥有?大家都赚过多少张回国机票了?
关于Citi AA Gold offerCiti AA Business Visa Card要求地址确认
贡献一个多次申请 Citi Hilton的data pointCiti AA用12个月就关卡对下次churn这张卡有影响吗?
撸Citi信用卡AA platinum select正确姿势Southwest 50K 回来啦!
change of chase churning rules?上次申了CITI VISA&AMEX,现在还能申BUSINESS和MASTER么?
Chase Ink card soon coming under the Chase 5/24 ruleCITI aa visa 50000 mile link
话题: citi话题: airlines话题: american话题: card话题: cards
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2609
1. you can get only ONE card – either personal or business – per day. It
doesn’t matter if you apply for a business card or a personal card. Or if
you apply for different co-branded cards (say, 1 Hilton and 1 American
Airlines card).
Solution: you can apply for a second card a few days after your first card
2. (not new) Citi will only approve 2 personal cards within a 65 day period,
and 1 business card every 95 days
3. (Churning opportunities) there are also informal “rules” specific to
the American Airlines cards which suggest that you CAN get another personal
Citi American Airlines card if it has been at least 18+ months from when you
were last approved (not from when you cancelled) for a Citi American
Airlines personal card.
Exception: An exception seems to be the personal GOLD MasterCard with 30,000
miles after spending $750 within 3 months. You may be able to get this
version even if it has not been 18+ months from your last successful
personal card approval from Citi because it appears to be considered a
different product from the other American Airlines cards.
最终提醒,这些都是过来人的经验,不一定准确,而且可能变化,所以Your Milleage
May Vary.
Source: http://millionmilesecrets.com/2013/04/09/get-2-citi-cards/
1 (共1页)
CITI aa visa 50000 mile link贡献一个多次申请 Citi Hilton的data point
请问有那种卡 餐馆 长期5%不换来换去的么撸Citi信用卡AA platinum select正确姿势
关于CITI的TYP帐号,请教高手!change of chase churning rules?
Citi AA Platinum 50K World Mastercard 邀请链接。Chase Ink card soon coming under the Chase 5/24 rule
citi的申请现在是不是还是65days rule?第二次申请的UA卡50K到帐了。
Citi AA卡改policy了?有过AA的卡,现在这个75K,又批了的同学进来讨论一下。
CITI AA的visa和mastercard不能同时拥有?大家都赚过多少张回国机票了?
关于Citi AA Gold offerCiti AA Business Visa Card要求地址确认
话题: citi话题: airlines话题: american话题: card话题: cards