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Money版 - Expecting new AMEX offers?
Bluebird acct NOT FDIC insuredamex points 转 hilton points
UA mileage 给毕业学生的 10k miles, 必须学生账户吗?More American Express Possible 50K
大吼一声, AXP到底多少bonus points【$】Amex offer new codes for Gold Premier bonus match 75K
AXP card received, how to check bonus id on line?AmEx SBS 2011 registration link goes live
Got 75,000 points ----- AMEX charge cardAMEX 25 SMALL BUSINESS的活动,BIZ卡可以用吗谢谢
AMEX75K什么时候到账??American Express的$25被无耻地赖掉
Kamal Kalra and Pankaj Anand - Amex Gold 50KAMEX出事了,怎么办啊?我的rewards
话题: amex话题: morgan话题: expecting话题: stock话题: analyst
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1613
Most likely yes according to its strong performance.
American Express (AXP) is popping and taking the financials higher with it.
The reason? Morgan Stanley (MS) is 'pounding the table' on the stock and
using a bunch of fancy words to do so. Analyst Betsey Graseck says AmEX's "
revenue is poised to accelerate" thanks to pent-up winter travel demand, and
expanded merchant network. Add to that management hitting the road and
hyping its own book, and you get a higher stock. Those attributes outweigh
what the analyst concedes to be high debt levels and management risk
relative to peers. Sure they're levered but it's nothing AmEx can't handle.
Morgan has a $100 target on the $91 stock.
发帖数: 542
Good news. I bet there will be fewer financial reviews from AMEX
1 (共1页)
AMEX出事了,怎么办啊?我的rewardsGot 75,000 points ----- AMEX charge card
Spend $100 at Costco.com, get $25 American Express creditAMEX75K什么时候到账??
仍然悲剧 Re: 紧急求助:Walmart load bludbird 悲剧了。。怎么要75k?
amex这几天看来真是抽风了Kamal Kalra and Pankaj Anand - Amex Gold 50K
Bluebird acct NOT FDIC insuredamex points 转 hilton points
UA mileage 给毕业学生的 10k miles, 必须学生账户吗?More American Express Possible 50K
大吼一声, AXP到底多少bonus points【$】Amex offer new codes for Gold Premier bonus match 75K
AXP card received, how to check bonus id on line?AmEx SBS 2011 registration link goes live
话题: amex话题: morgan话题: expecting话题: stock话题: analyst