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Money版 - evolvemoney用discover card付账单有fee了说
evolve用discover开始收费了有什么办法付mortgage能赚点cash back? (转载)
Evolve Money 可以用discover付账收到hmart大妈白眼了
完蛋了,灰香草不能loaddiscover 大面积关卡了
$10 EvolveMoney billpay creditUFB direct一般多久才会给AA mile呢
EvolveMoney不能用VisaGiftCard付了?哪家银行可以用手机app存Money order?
evolvemoney每月每帐号只能付一次款了?有Evolve Money信用卡付账的小白鼠吗?
3月前推荐Chase Ink 70k的人失联了evolve money还能用gift card吗
evolvemoney is dead讲讲boa 信用卡 自动付帐 最简单方式
话题: discover话题: money话题: evolve话题: fee话题: your
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 5290
刚收到邮件,加了3%的fee. 按他家以前的规划,不久会加入visa/mc的cc,估计也是3%
Dear Evolve Money Customer,
Late last year we introduced Discover credit cards as a payment option in
Evolve Money. The response has been overwhelming and we appreciate your
taking advantage of this newest means of paying your bills.
Our introductory period has come to a close and we are implementing some
changes to the use of Discover credit cards beginning Feb. 1, 2015.
All restrictions on the types of bills you can pay have been eliminated.
This means you can now pay loans, such as mortgages, auto, student and
retail store cards along with your utilities and other bills.
A new Bill Pay Fee of 3 percent is now being applied to all Discover
credit card transactions. This fee is necessary to cover our processing
costs. Note: In the payment summary you will see the new fee amount when
using your Discover credit card. We waive this fee for major debit cards, so
you will have the option to change your payment method before you complete
a payment transaction.
There are no changes to the use of your Discover debit card.
With these changes, you will need to accept the new End User License
Agreement (EULA) the next time you login to Evolve Money.
If you have any questions, please contact Customer Support at support@
evolvemoney.com. As always, thanks for your continued support of Evolve
The Evolve Money team
发帖数: 957
how about paypal debit card or UFB?


【在 d**j 的大作中提到】
: 刚收到邮件,加了3%的fee. 按他家以前的规划,不久会加入visa/mc的cc,估计也是3%
: 吧。
: Dear Evolve Money Customer,
: Late last year we introduced Discover credit cards as a payment option in
: Evolve Money. The response has been overwhelming and we appreciate your
: taking advantage of this newest means of paying your bills.
: Our introductory period has come to a close and we are implementing some
: changes to the use of Discover credit cards beginning Feb. 1, 2015.
: All restrictions on the types of bills you can pay have been eliminated.
: This means you can now pay loans, such as mortgages, auto, student and

发帖数: 3374
1 (共1页)
讲讲boa 信用卡 自动付帐 最简单方式EvolveMoney不能用VisaGiftCard付了?
ATT bill 问题 急切求助evolvemoney每月每帐号只能付一次款了?
请问大家是用哪个bank来付信用卡和bill的?3月前推荐Chase Ink 70k的人失联了
0.0% introductory APR for the first 12 months.evolvemoney is dead
evolve用discover开始收费了有什么办法付mortgage能赚点cash back? (转载)
Evolve Money 可以用discover付账收到hmart大妈白眼了
完蛋了,灰香草不能loaddiscover 大面积关卡了
$10 EvolveMoney billpay creditUFB direct一般多久才会给AA mile呢
话题: discover话题: money话题: evolve话题: fee话题: your