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MusicPlayer版 - correct method -- Re: 奔!
2003 conerts take IV不知有人贴过没有
节奏问题【维氏】维巍 Fever + 维鸥 Singing my Song
[合集] 我听了这个人的歌Putin Sings "Blueberry Hill"
[合集] 节奏问题也凑个热闹:恣意纵情版之翻唱《飞俺到月亮》 (转载)
可爱版over the rainbow(更新完整版)唱歌跑调的同学们
Vocal Training Material InfoIncredible bass singing
[合集] Vocal Training Material InfoFour chords, sing them all..
9/9/09 Concert: Sing for China - Fight AIDS with Art (转载)陈宣羽at blue note jazz festival
话题: method话题: your话题: correct话题: singing话题: mother
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 17

sorry, I can't input chinese now, can only copy/paste.
Currently, I am practing the method your mother mentioned.
1. open your mouth as large as possible,
2. use "横隔膜" to push the air flow through your throat.
at first you can "push" 2-3 times a second, the result is like dog puffing. 象
小狗在夏天那样的喘气。 :-)
It doesn't look elegant, but it is helpful to your singing.
HanHaoNiao, what else did your mother teach you? Is she good at singing opera
or Mei3 Sheng1?
Thanks for your posting
1 (共1页)
陈宣羽at blue note jazz festival可爱版over the rainbow(更新完整版)
清澈的悲伤(hanhaoniao诗歌赏析)Vocal Training Material Info
hanhaoniao 由 etude 授予 ZST 俱乐部权力[合集] Vocal Training Material Info
欢迎hanhaoniao9/9/09 Concert: Sing for China - Fight AIDS with Art (转载)
2003 conerts take IV不知有人贴过没有
节奏问题【维氏】维巍 Fever + 维鸥 Singing my Song
[合集] 我听了这个人的歌Putin Sings "Blueberry Hill"
[合集] 节奏问题也凑个热闹:恣意纵情版之翻唱《飞俺到月亮》 (转载)
话题: method话题: your话题: correct话题: singing话题: mother