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NCAA版 - “Adam, you are a win at all cost writer.”
MSU coach Dantonio suffers heart attack after overtime win下周ND打MSU
Michigan St. coach Dantonio hospitalized什么时候开UM@MSU的博彩,我all in michigan
看来今年我密不照,明年有hart 2.0罩着ghoslton suspended for 1 game
dantonio回osu吧,觉得比JT强wisc太让我失望了。cost me $125
原来MSU没了MartinSpartans to take on Georgia at the Outback Bowl
RR fired,JH去NFL,谁会是下一任教练?Look at Michigan State University (No Wonder Saban had to Leave MSU)
话题: adam话题: win话题: writer话题: cost话题: msu
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 7297
昨天那篇批评D教练的文章显然引起粉丝的强烈反响 以下就是一位粉丝写给Adam的信 看了很好笑
Adam - That was a cheap shot. I hope you enjoy the front page of ESPN. Why
would you write something like that? Your opinion of agreeing or
disagreeing is fine. The cheap shots are not. This is not Jim Rome is
burning, or around the horn. This is college, and students are going to
make mistakes at all schools. Are you really going to insult the alumni
and fans who read your articles day in and day out every time something
like this happens? Dantonio suspended half the team before the most
important game of the year last year, and you called him a win at all cost
coach. Well - you are a win at all cost writer. Jump suit to uniform? Is
this US weekly, or a trusted source of information? Way to jump on a team
experiencing rare success by pointing out a young man's mistake
repeatedly, and then projecting it across the alumni and fans of a 150
year old institution. I have been a loyal fan since the blog has started,
and I don't think I can get myself to read again. You treat other school's
athlete's mistakes with class, why not MSU's?
发帖数: 9426

【在 s******3 的大作中提到】
: 昨天那篇批评D教练的文章显然引起粉丝的强烈反响 以下就是一位粉丝写给Adam的信 看了很好笑
: Adam - That was a cheap shot. I hope you enjoy the front page of ESPN. Why
: would you write something like that? Your opinion of agreeing or
: disagreeing is fine. The cheap shots are not. This is not Jim Rome is
: burning, or around the horn. This is college, and students are going to
: make mistakes at all schools. Are you really going to insult the alumni
: and fans who read your articles day in and day out every time something
: like this happens? Dantonio suspended half the team before the most
: important game of the year last year, and you called him a win at all cost
: coach. Well - you are a win at all cost writer. Jump suit to uniform? Is

发帖数: 787
Prior to this one, I have been enjoying his blog coverage of big ten. But
this one, he jumpped a little bit too soon and went too far.
The fact is people ouside MSU society won't spend their time and effort to
find out complete information before jumping on a conclusion.
Coach D definately is the man with the most complete information of this
case. Before he made this decision. he reached out to entire MSU society
such as president, AD, player's uint concil, alumini, player's family for
their thoughts. He is the man for this program, he is responsible to make a
right decision for the good sake of MSU football, not for those big mouth
I hope our team will stay focused and not distracted by these media talks.
Go Green!

信 看了很好笑

【在 s******3 的大作中提到】
: 昨天那篇批评D教练的文章显然引起粉丝的强烈反响 以下就是一位粉丝写给Adam的信 看了很好笑
: Adam - That was a cheap shot. I hope you enjoy the front page of ESPN. Why
: would you write something like that? Your opinion of agreeing or
: disagreeing is fine. The cheap shots are not. This is not Jim Rome is
: burning, or around the horn. This is college, and students are going to
: make mistakes at all schools. Are you really going to insult the alumni
: and fans who read your articles day in and day out every time something
: like this happens? Dantonio suspended half the team before the most
: important game of the year last year, and you called him a win at all cost
: coach. Well - you are a win at all cost writer. Jump suit to uniform? Is

发帖数: 8125
which game dantonia suspend half the team?

信 看了很好笑

【在 s******3 的大作中提到】
: 昨天那篇批评D教练的文章显然引起粉丝的强烈反响 以下就是一位粉丝写给Adam的信 看了很好笑
: Adam - That was a cheap shot. I hope you enjoy the front page of ESPN. Why
: would you write something like that? Your opinion of agreeing or
: disagreeing is fine. The cheap shots are not. This is not Jim Rome is
: burning, or around the horn. This is college, and students are going to
: make mistakes at all schools. Are you really going to insult the alumni
: and fans who read your articles day in and day out every time something
: like this happens? Dantonio suspended half the team before the most
: important game of the year last year, and you called him a win at all cost
: coach. Well - you are a win at all cost writer. Jump suit to uniform? Is

发帖数: 20742
bowl game

【在 g*********d 的大作中提到】
: which game dantonia suspend half the team?
: 信 看了很好笑

发帖数: 9426

【在 g*********d 的大作中提到】
: which game dantonia suspend half the team?
: 信 看了很好笑

发帖数: 20256
half 他个头,也就20多人,half of starter可能都没有。好像有几个还是bowl game之后才被起诉的。不过他们那个bowl game打得还不错。
蛋铜鸟去年赛季开始前召回那个提前出狱的RB Winston(不知道名字剧没有记错),就

【在 b**j 的大作中提到】
: bowl game
1 (共1页)
Look at Michigan State University (No Wonder Saban had to Leave MSU)看来今年我密不照,明年有hart 2.0罩着
OSU去Rose Bow Stadiuml打球要看MSU的心情 -- 7成要悲剧RR fired,JH去NFL,谁会是下一任教练?
MSU coach Dantonio suffers heart attack after overtime win下周ND打MSU
Michigan St. coach Dantonio hospitalized什么时候开UM@MSU的博彩,我all in michigan
话题: adam话题: win话题: writer话题: cost话题: msu