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NCAA版 - Nebraska vs Fresno State highlights (17.5 minutes)
Nebraska vs Chattanooga highlights (long)Dillon Baxter illegally contacted by 5 teams
new BCSUSCe DC的Quote 有点意思
Nebraska 2011 ScheduleCam Newton确实比Vince Young要强
AP Poll Week 4AP and Coach Polls 11/10/2013
Coach Poll Week 4AP TOP25
If you don't know football,Vince Young 太不争气了。。。
finalyy, week 1 AP Top 25还真不能忽视了USC
话题: fresno话题: state话题: nebraska话题: st话题: highlights
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3252
发帖数: 8125

【在 h**********9 的大作中提到】

发帖数: 3252
自己顶一下,顺便发个 quote 介绍 fresno state。
"Did Nebraska play well? Well enough to win. I think too many assumed Fresno
State = Chattanooga. Fresno State in the Pat Hill era has always been a
team (ala Boise State) that no one really wanted to play. They're well
coached and play with their hair on fire. They play to win the game, not to
lose. I wish sometimes we had more of this mentality.
Fresno St. was not afraid of Nebraska. They also weren't afraid when they
beat Illinois twice the last two years, or took Wisconsin to double overtime
in Madison in 2009, or lost by 3 in 2008.
Beat UCLA in 2008 as well, once again, on the road. Lost to Texas A&M in
2007 in 3 OT's. Also whipped KState that year
They've beaten Utah St. the last four years. You know that Utah St. team
that almost beat Auburn this year and OU last year? Yeah that Utah St.
Oh, and that 2005 USC team? The one that barely lost to Vince Young in the
national championship game that year? Fresno St. was beating them at
halftime, had a terrible 3rd quarter getting down by 20 then retaking the
lead midway in the 4th 42-41, before ultimately losing 50-42. Yeah, they
were on USC's goaline with 1:30 left in the game, but the QB got picked off.
Other than a 3 point win vs. Notre Dame on the road, it was the closest
game USC played in all year.
Does this excuse Nebraska for the way they played last night? Of course not.
Lets just give a little more credit to Fresno St. than they seem to be
getting. They thrive in these environments."
1 (共1页)
还真不能忽视了USCAP Poll Week 4
看看bcs电脑排名就知道为什么bama, utah 输了.Coach Poll Week 4
Coaches' pollIf you don't know football,
我想USC的球迷们恐怕终於可以理解我们 三finalyy, week 1 AP Top 25
Nebraska vs Chattanooga highlights (long)Dillon Baxter illegally contacted by 5 teams
new BCSUSCe DC的Quote 有点意思
Nebraska 2011 ScheduleCam Newton确实比Vince Young要强
话题: fresno话题: state话题: nebraska话题: st话题: highlights