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NanoST版 - Postdoc in Nano-Engineered Magnetic Sensors_University of Louisiana
问个magnetic nanoparticle的问题PhD student positions at Purdue
a question for the nano expertsPhD student positions in ME with full financial support ava (转载)
Monodisperse magnetic nanoparticles for biomedical applicat求审稿(magnetic thin, nanostructure)
测magnetic hysteresis loop的仪器在哪儿买? (转载)PhD positions@Univ. Texas, Austin, 2014 Fall
magnetic beads--carboxyl 磁珠PhD positions in MSE/ME with full financial support available
请教magnetic beads做TEM的问题求审稿:Magnetic materials, Shape memory alloys, and Mechanics of materials
Need help on hyperthermia using super-paramagnetic iron oxide nanoparticle求审稿!万分感谢!(纳米发动机,纳米材料合成,载药和药物定向运输)
招PhD,BioMEMS方向,Louisiana State UniversityPhD positions in MSE/ME with full financial support available
话题: magnetic话题: nano话题: louisiana话题: engineered话题: sensors
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 53
"High Areal Density Nano-Engineered Magnetic Sensors: Application in
Information Storage Technology and Communications". The salary is $40,000
starting immediately.
Experience is required both in experimental synthesis of magnetic
nanoparticles and computation modeling of nanostructures. The university of
Louisiana has a 3-D visualization center (LITE) with state of the art
computational facility, probably one of the best in US.
Please reply to m*********[email protected] if your are interested.
1 (共1页)
PhD positions in MSE/ME with full financial support availablemagnetic beads--carboxyl 磁珠
Si Nanowires as Sensors: Choosing the Right Surface (Nanoletters ASAP)请教magnetic beads做TEM的问题
nanosensor相关的工作好找吗?Need help on hyperthermia using super-paramagnetic iron oxide nanoparticle
基于碳纳米管上负载纳米粒子Pd的柔性氢气传感器,Palladium Nan招PhD,BioMEMS方向,Louisiana State University
问个magnetic nanoparticle的问题PhD student positions at Purdue
a question for the nano expertsPhD student positions in ME with full financial support ava (转载)
Monodisperse magnetic nanoparticles for biomedical applicat求审稿(magnetic thin, nanostructure)
测magnetic hysteresis loop的仪器在哪儿买? (转载)PhD positions@Univ. Texas, Austin, 2014 Fall
话题: magnetic话题: nano话题: louisiana话题: engineered话题: sensors