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NanoST版 - PhD openings in Materials Science, Engineering, and Commerc (转载)
请教:申请material science and engineering 的硕士求一篇文章: Materials Science Forum Vol. 518(2006) pp101-6
Why no Board of Materials Science?关于 advanced materials 一问
PhD position @ RochesterYang Peidong的晶体导向生长上了Nature Materials
Postdoctoral Fellow -- Materials Science (UCSD) (转载)求文献
senior PVD engineer openning (转载)RA Position (Ph.D.), Materials Dept, Virginia Tech
选校求助,材料科学与工程方向,紧急求助Material science and engineering department in U Penn
Dr Orlin D Velev in NCSUDifference between Nano Letters and Advanced Materials
话题: materials话题: science话题: phd话题: openings
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 18
【 以下文字转载自 Chemistry 讨论区 】
发信人: carinos (Carinos), 信区: Chemistry
标 题: PhD openings in Materials Science, Engineering, and Commercialization Program
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Nov 14 00:52:52 2011, 美东)
PhD openings available in Materials Science, Engineering, and
Commercialization Program at Texas State University
Candidates will be trained in both traditional materials science and
engineering, and technology commercialization, thus potentially a better
chance for an industry job after graduation
Basic requirements: Master Degree by the end of 2011, GRE 1150 or higher,
TOEFL 78 or higher
Stipend: $32,000 (need pay ca. $7,000 tuition per year), thus net stipend:
ca. $25,000
Please see details at: http://www.gradcollege.txstate.edu/Prospect_Students/Pgms_Apps/Doctoral/MSEC.html
Two PhD openings (in general materials science field) available starting
from 2012 Spring Admission (application deadline: Nov 30, 2011) in Dr. Sun’
s group. To apply, please send a current CV including the names and contact
information of three references to L**[email protected]
1 (共1页)
材料找工作用什么keyword?senior PVD engineer openning (转载)
Two PHD positions open at Miami University选校求助,材料科学与工程方向,紧急求助
Ph.D student positions in materials fieldDr Orlin D Velev in NCSU
才注意到一本杂志叫Nano Today问问正在找工作的,哪些公司做材料的?
请教:申请material science and engineering 的硕士求一篇文章: Materials Science Forum Vol. 518(2006) pp101-6
Why no Board of Materials Science?关于 advanced materials 一问
PhD position @ RochesterYang Peidong的晶体导向生长上了Nature Materials
Postdoctoral Fellow -- Materials Science (UCSD) (转载)求文献
话题: materials话题: science话题: phd话题: openings