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NewJersey版 - 华人进步与平等协会强烈谴责Bob Beckel种族歧视言论
BB事件MSN网站参与民调 (转载)Re: 有熟悉jersey shore的吗?
Bob Beckel劣迹斑斑 (转载)有人去过Cape May嘛?
DFWCA(达拉斯华人联盟)谴责Fox电视台主持人辱华言论声明 (转载)请问新泽西有没有什么比较推荐的海滩?
彩图惊艳:老色狼Bob Beckel招妓 (转载)飞到Mathas Vineyard, Cape Cod, LI, Boston 6/19 or 20 (转载)
Bob Beckel辱华事件对策建议6/26飞到Cape Cod/Ocean City, MD (转载)
功能开通:自动产生email给赞助商要求开除Bob Beckel请教: JULY 4TH 独立日长周末 大家觉得纽约附近有什么值得带
哪里买沙发比较好,想买质量好点的。NJ 吃罚单求助
假如明天下雨, 我们怎么办??NJ 附近有啥好玩的
话题: chinese话题: beckel话题: bob话题: americans话题: news
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 129
FOX News Channel主持人Bob Beckel必须对其种族歧视言论道歉并辞职
On July 10th, 2014, Mr. Bob Beckel said during on his “The Five” show, “
Chinese are the single biggest threat to the national security of the U.S.
Do you know what we just did? As usual, we bring them over here and teach a
bunch of Chinamen – err, Chinese people – how to do computers and then
they go back to China and hack into us.”
Beckel’s ill-considered remarks about Chinese people is totally baseless
and an insult to all hard working Chinese Americans. The pejorative word “
Chinamen” has long been considered a derogatory and offensive meaning.
We, the Chinese Americans for Progress and Equality (CAPE), joining with
California State Sen. Ted Lieu, State Sen. candidate Peter Kuo, Saratoga
City Council candidate Yan Zhao, Silicon Valley Chinese Association and many
other organizations, demand Fox News Host Bob Beckel to be immediately
removed from his position and to issue a formal apology to the public for
his racist statements and derogatory language.
发帖数: 3963


【在 C****S 的大作中提到】
: FOX News Channel主持人Bob Beckel必须对其种族歧视言论道歉并辞职
: On July 10th, 2014, Mr. Bob Beckel said during on his “The Five” show, “
: Chinese are the single biggest threat to the national security of the U.S.
: Do you know what we just did? As usual, we bring them over here and teach a
: bunch of Chinamen – err, Chinese people – how to do computers and then
: they go back to China and hack into us.”
: Beckel’s ill-considered remarks about Chinese people is totally baseless
: and an insult to all hard working Chinese Americans. The pejorative word “
: Chinamen” has long been considered a derogatory and offensive meaning.
: We, the Chinese Americans for Progress and Equality (CAPE), joining with

1 (共1页)
NJ 附近有啥好玩的Bob Beckel辱华事件对策建议
Labor day 假期你们都咋安排功能开通:自动产生email给赞助商要求开除Bob Beckel
明天要去CAPE COD当天来回哪里买沙发比较好,想买质量好点的。
新泽西附近好玩的地方一日游?假如明天下雨, 我们怎么办??
BB事件MSN网站参与民调 (转载)Re: 有熟悉jersey shore的吗?
Bob Beckel劣迹斑斑 (转载)有人去过Cape May嘛?
DFWCA(达拉斯华人联盟)谴责Fox电视台主持人辱华言论声明 (转载)请问新泽西有没有什么比较推荐的海滩?
彩图惊艳:老色狼Bob Beckel招妓 (转载)飞到Mathas Vineyard, Cape Cod, LI, Boston 6/19 or 20 (转载)
话题: chinese话题: beckel话题: bob话题: americans话题: news