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NewJersey版 - Fort Lee 中文学校2016暑期中文班招生
Fort Lee 中文学校暑期中文班招生 summer of 2016哪位老大介绍一下Fort Lee都有什么apartment complex吧?
Spring, summer 2016 Chinese classes in Fort Lee, NJFort Lee, NJ 两居室(双卫)高层公寓出租
希望认识住在FORT LEE附近的中国朋友,和找中文学校去哥大近住NJ哪里好?
求助--学中文的基础教材~~~~~~~~~Fort Lee经济实惠方便整洁Studio出租,
惊! NJ的这家中文学校居然教Falun Gong?滑雪照片
4.5岁小女孩找中文学校推荐fort lee附近的发型师, $10 Men, $15 Women
圣旦/新年2009 的烦心事--实在不堪的新州月嫂/保姆:姓姚 目前家住Fort Lee有住在Fort Lee的吗?停水,停电
[合集] 有没有人熟悉Fort Lee 周边韩国餐馆?周六Hiking
话题: fort话题: lee话题: chinese话题: classes话题: learning
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 9
Chinese classes in summer 2016 in Fort Lee Chinese School
Fort Lee 中文学校暑期中文班招生
• Would you like to let your kid(s) keep improving their Chinese
• Would you like to let your kid(s) start to learn a new language
like Chinese?

Small classes, students get a lot of attention.
Classes are taught by experienced, certified Mandarin Chinese teacher.
Time: 1 hour every Saturday,Start on July 2, 2016; specific schedule is
available at www.fortleechineseschool.com
Place: 1209 Anderson Ave, Fort Lee, NJ 07024 (Genesis Learning Center in
Fort Lee)
Tuition rate: One hour a week on weekend, $15/per hour
Learning materials will be provided initially. Kids’ skills will be
evaluated on the first day of class and put into an appropriate class. The
materials used will be from Ma Liping textbooks.
Please go to our website and register your kids there.
If you have any questions, please email at [email protected]/* */
If you think some other parents may be also interested, please kindly spread
the information. Thank you for your help.
1 (共1页)
周六Hiking惊! NJ的这家中文学校居然教Falun Gong?
住Fort Lee去Manhattan Midtown怎样最快?4.5岁小女孩找中文学校
请问上次有人贴的那个fort lee在家理发的圣旦/新年2009 的烦心事--实在不堪的新州月嫂/保姆:姓姚 目前家住Fort Lee
Fort Lee的韩国人对中国人友好吗? 会不会小孩受歧视[合集] 有没有人熟悉Fort Lee 周边韩国餐馆?
Fort Lee 中文学校暑期中文班招生 summer of 2016哪位老大介绍一下Fort Lee都有什么apartment complex吧?
Spring, summer 2016 Chinese classes in Fort Lee, NJFort Lee, NJ 两居室(双卫)高层公寓出租
希望认识住在FORT LEE附近的中国朋友,和找中文学校去哥大近住NJ哪里好?
求助--学中文的基础教材~~~~~~~~~Fort Lee经济实惠方便整洁Studio出租,
话题: fort话题: lee话题: chinese话题: classes话题: learning