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NewYork版 - Safety Advisory - "Bath Salts"(什么东西啊?)刚从学校收到
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话题: salts话题: drugs话题: bath话题: new话题: jersey
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发帖数: 725
The State of New Jersey recently banned the manufacture, distribution, sale,
and possession of designer drugs labeled as “bath salts.” Their
manufacture, distribution, sale, or possession is now a third-degree crime.
Violators may be subject to a fine of up to $25,000 and imprisonment for a
three to five year term.
Designer drugs labeled as “bath salts” have been sold in New Jersey, at
retail establishments such as gas stations, smoke shops, “head shops” that
specialize in drug paraphernalia, and other locations. They are also widely
available for sale online. They are sold in small, approximately 500-
milligram bags or containers for approximately $20 to $60 each, with brand
names such as “Energizing Aromatherapy,” “Down2Earth White Horse,” “
Kamikaze,” “Ivory Wave,” “Purple Wave,” “Red Dove,” “Blue Silk,” “
Vanilla Sky,” and many others. They are falsely labeled as “bath salts,”
“plant food,” or other innocuous substances, and often marked “Not for
Human Consumption,” in order to hide from law enforcement the drugs’ true
purpose – to get users high.
What users may not know is that the drugs have serious and intense side
effects. Their use has led to suicidal thoughts, self-mutilation, and
violent outbursts. The drugs are reported to be highly addictive.
Psychological side effects include extreme anxiety and paranoia, delusional
thinking, and visual and auditory hallucinations. Physical side effects
include dramatically increased blood pressure and heart rates, and chest
pains so severe some users feared they were dying.
Further information about the Order banning these drugs, their known side
effects, and their use in New Jersey can be found at the Division of
Consumer Affairs website, www.NJConsumerAffairs.gov/bathsalts.
发帖数: 4599
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NY strange parking ticket 记点吗?老邢逸事 (转载)
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话题: salts话题: drugs话题: bath话题: new话题: jersey