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NewYork版 - Gosh! now the Europeans have spoken!
why there's a teacher's unionFree包子for民猪党支持者 (转载)
this is crazy, if true白宫请愿:驱逐 Justin Bieber 和撤销他的绿卡
可以把第二套房算primary residence吗。What Do You Really Want from Us? (转载)
5/16 《Tide Players》 查建英讲座/签名售书判断房子价值的简单方法 (我说的是投资价值) (转载)
大方重新奔一下2件羽绒服, 真人哦 (转载)Re: 想去纽约玩一周,请教几个问题
Recession crushed middle-class wealth: Fed survey新泽西到queens法拉盛怎么走免费?
Japan brandname firms shut China plants after protest violenceIf my son gets into the TOP 10 list by year end.
话题: unions话题: money话题: wealth话题: those话题: europeans
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3950
the voice is loud and clear.
the future suddenly becomes even MORE interesting.
发帖数: 3950
发帖数: 8550
Francois Hollande vows 75% tax rate for rich

【在 H********k 的大作中提到】
: the voice is loud and clear.
: the future suddenly becomes even MORE interesting.

发帖数: 3950

【在 r*******t 的大作中提到】
: Francois Hollande vows 75% tax rate for rich
发帖数: 23482
发帖数: 10425
i turned on the radio today, and they said his campaign agenda was raise the
tax and increase government spending...
those fucking dumb and lazy europeans. and with obama going on another term
, the only capitalist country left in the world is gonna be china

【在 m*****5 的大作中提到】
: 左派很酷啊
发帖数: 23482

there is one assumption of socialism to my opinion: a true nation state.
that means, you pay good welfare to your own blood and flesh. as i see le
pen and hollande voter merge together to banish sakozy, it is very clear
that it is a nationalism vow, rather than a simple right-left.

【在 j**4 的大作中提到】
: i turned on the radio today, and they said his campaign agenda was raise the
: tax and increase government spending...
: those fucking dumb and lazy europeans. and with obama going on another term
: , the only capitalist country left in the world is gonna be china

发帖数: 10425
but a nation cannot sustain itself just by re-distributing the wealth.
before u know it, there would be no wealth to re-distribute

【在 m*****5 的大作中提到】
: the
: term
: there is one assumption of socialism to my opinion: a true nation state.
: that means, you pay good welfare to your own blood and flesh. as i see le
: pen and hollande voter merge together to banish sakozy, it is very clear
: that it is a nationalism vow, rather than a simple right-left.

发帖数: 23482

wealth is not static, it is constantly created and destroyed.
let's think about joe wang's presidential campaign proposal: let 2 people to
1 person's work load, then everybody has jobs. it is not really a joke, it
is reality.
under free economy, those having a job are working busy like hell, but those
unemployed are just wasted. capitalists love to hire women with cheaper pay
, and left them no time with family. it is destructive to humanity.
thinking about the time when women stay at home. men can bring home enough
money to raise a household of 4. now they have to both work to support the
same household. while capitalists just sit on that pile of money worrying
about where to invest so that their wealth is not to be destroyed. what a

【在 j**4 的大作中提到】
: but a nation cannot sustain itself just by re-distributing the wealth.
: before u know it, there would be no wealth to re-distribute

发帖数: 8550
Serveral millionairs said on TV:
"We invest our money in whereever we could make additional money, no matter
tax is 25% of 50% or 75%, as soon as it is not 100% or more"

【在 j**4 的大作中提到】
: but a nation cannot sustain itself just by re-distributing the wealth.
: before u know it, there would be no wealth to re-distribute

大方重新奔一下2件羽绒服, 真人哦 (转载)不得了了,中城塌了
Recession crushed middle-class wealth: Fed surveyFree包子for民猪党支持者 (转载)
Japan brandname firms shut China plants after protest violence白宫请愿:驱逐 Justin Bieber 和撤销他的绿卡
发帖数: 10425
doesn't greece mean nothing to u? those ppl, especially government workers,
they want to squeeze the business out for more money. and where do they end
look at NYC and the unions. look at detroit and the auto unions. when ppl
realize that they can work 6 hrs a day, take 3 hr break, or just not work at
all, and still make a nice living, how is the wealth gonna be created?
发帖数: 2564
Were they billionaires before?


【在 r*******t 的大作中提到】
: Serveral millionairs said on TV:
: "We invest our money in whereever we could make additional money, no matter
: tax is 25% of 50% or 75%, as soon as it is not 100% or more"

发帖数: 23482

wealth is created when money is invested into physical economy, building
things, plant things, and make things. if money is floating into more
lucrative investment, all physical economy is losing blood. however, if this
lucrative investment finally turn out to be a wealth destructive bubble, it
is more destructive then just eating, shiting and sleeping, sth you call as

【在 j**4 的大作中提到】
: doesn't greece mean nothing to u? those ppl, especially government workers,
: they want to squeeze the business out for more money. and where do they end
: up?
: look at NYC and the unions. look at detroit and the auto unions. when ppl
: realize that they can work 6 hrs a day, take 3 hr break, or just not work at
: all, and still make a nice living, how is the wealth gonna be created?

发帖数: 10425
money can be invested in real economy, and money is invested in the real
economy. when i put money into my 401K, money is invested into companies
that are creating the real economy. I dont know what lucrative investment
you are talking about, but nothing is more lucrative for common people to be
handed money from the government so they can just slack off.
u want to know why there's not much infrastructure work in the US? because
it's controlled by the government and the unions. u get rid of those unions
, and government financed infrastructure projects, u will see better roads
and trains


【在 m*****5 的大作中提到】
: ,
: end
: ppl
: at
: wealth is created when money is invested into physical economy, building
: things, plant things, and make things. if money is floating into more
: lucrative investment, all physical economy is losing blood. however, if this
: lucrative investment finally turn out to be a wealth destructive bubble, it
: is more destructive then just eating, shiting and sleeping, sth you call as

发帖数: 23482

my favorite president is fdr, an union-lover, and an infrastructure-lover.

【在 j**4 的大作中提到】
: money can be invested in real economy, and money is invested in the real
: economy. when i put money into my 401K, money is invested into companies
: that are creating the real economy. I dont know what lucrative investment
: you are talking about, but nothing is more lucrative for common people to be
: handed money from the government so they can just slack off.
: u want to know why there's not much infrastructure work in the US? because
: it's controlled by the government and the unions. u get rid of those unions
: , and government financed infrastructure projects, u will see better roads
: and trains

发帖数: 10425
times have changed. during that time, infrastructure is like the internet
of today. interstate highways was something new, manufacturing was the main
part of the economy. nowadays, servicing is the main part of the economy.
obama can talk about re-invest in the infrastructure. but how many jobs
can he add with those infrastructure investments?
unions should die already. besides the ridiculous demands of the unions,
can u believe that they have 8% salary increase every year for some unions?
who the fuck have guaranteed 8% salary increase every year these days??!
and with those unions, how can u tell a company to be globally competitive
these days?!

【在 m*****5 的大作中提到】
: be
: unions
: my favorite president is fdr, an union-lover, and an infrastructure-lover.

发帖数: 25262
He's also the one created social security program after seeing old people
without any support when they can't work.
But now no one is believing social security will still have enough money to
support them when they get old. As similar to the unions, they were giving
great protections to factory workers. And now? their power has been growing
out of control. Even companies' strategies/plannings are driven by them.
Eventually, they will destroy a lot of companies just like GM and Chrysler.
Maybe the whole country would be just like GM and Chrysler in a bigger scale
. When it comes the time that it can't pay the interest of their bonds, it
can default bonds and be reconstructed as a new country. Look at GM and
Chrysler, they were in trouble and bankrupted. Now they are making profits

【在 m*****5 的大作中提到】
: be
: unions
: my favorite president is fdr, an union-lover, and an infrastructure-lover.

发帖数: 23482

it is the application that need to be discussed and reformed, but the idea
is not evil at all.

【在 a*o 的大作中提到】
: He's also the one created social security program after seeing old people
: without any support when they can't work.
: But now no one is believing social security will still have enough money to
: support them when they get old. As similar to the unions, they were giving
: great protections to factory workers. And now? their power has been growing
: out of control. Even companies' strategies/plannings are driven by them.
: Eventually, they will destroy a lot of companies just like GM and Chrysler.
: Maybe the whole country would be just like GM and Chrysler in a bigger scale
: . When it comes the time that it can't pay the interest of their bonds, it
: can default bonds and be reconstructed as a new country. Look at GM and

发帖数: 25262
I think the people who work at unions, especially high rank ones, their
salaries are very good. Those workers salaries increases means their
salaries increase as well.
In capitalism, everyone is thinking of their own benefits. When speaking out
in the public, it will be protecting your benefits. Those are all games,
like zero-sum games, it benefits one group of people at the expensive of
another group of people. Tax the riches more and give the poors more.
Taxation is a legal way to redistribute wealth.

【在 m*****5 的大作中提到】
: to
: growing
: .
: scale
: it is the application that need to be discussed and reformed, but the idea
: is not evil at all.

发帖数: 3459
欧洲再这样搞两年the Führer死里复生。

【在 H********k 的大作中提到】
: the voice is loud and clear.
: the future suddenly becomes even MORE interesting.

1 (共1页)
If my son gets into the TOP 10 list by year end.5/16 《Tide Players》 查建英讲座/签名售书
V8, 你儿子排名怎么样了?大方重新奔一下2件羽绒服, 真人哦 (转载)
Re: (更新)爱又如何--看ex的结婚照终于失声抽泣了 (转载)Recession crushed middle-class wealth: Fed survey
幸福指数最高的十个城市!Japan brandname firms shut China plants after protest violence
why there's a teacher's unionFree包子for民猪党支持者 (转载)
this is crazy, if true白宫请愿:驱逐 Justin Bieber 和撤销他的绿卡
可以把第二套房算primary residence吗。What Do You Really Want from Us? (转载)
话题: unions话题: money话题: wealth话题: those话题: europeans