

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
NewYork版 - nothing is going right these days
TABLE FOR ONE (I)说我小样,不给你们露两手,你们不知道娘娘是吃素的
老咬同学疯狂的看书啊求助 谁知道这种护肤品在哪有买的?
Ben & Jerry's - Free Ice Cream Cone女同学们 这周之前DUANE READE的药妆打8折 有些还有折上折
天气暖了去这里在美国贵在折腾, 不然吃亏
DPZC, did you see this?Don't fuck with me, you don't know who you deal with ...
谁在法拉盛愿意帮我买点中药的啊?帮助MM们擦亮眼睛的帖子(转贴) (转载)
情人节巧克力Who the fuck is still working on a fucking Friday night?
Free Ice Cream Cone at Ben & Jerry'sThe ring
话题: cream话题: fucking话题: pharmacy话题: called话题: get
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 10425
so i am still waiting for the tv to see if they can order parts...
no tv, miserable life
then i have been trying to get some acne cream refilled. note i have been
getting this fucking acne cream refilled at the same fucking pharmacy for
more than a year now
so last week, i went to the same pharmacy to get refill. was told that the
refill has expired. so i called in, and the doc's office called in the
prescription to that pharmacy.
then i went to the pharmacy again, was told that one of the two creams need
prior authorization, meaning the doctor has to call the insurance to
authorize that fucking cream
i had this fucking authorization once before!!! ok. i called the doctor's
office again, and they called the insurance company. I called the insurance
company to check, and was told these authorizations only last for one year.
so after a year, u have to get it re-authorized again!
fine. after a week, i finally get my creams. so i just opened up the bag,
and guess what???!! one of the cream is very different. i used to get this
duac cream. now i get this Perrigo cream
i googled, and this Perrigo cream is some generic version of Duac. and i
called the pharmacy and was told that unless the doctor's office specifies
the brand, they would refill the generic version if there is one...
now i have been calling the fucking doctor's office for the last 30 mins,
and nobody's answering...
fucking shit!
发帖数: 2108


【在 j**4 的大作中提到】
: so i am still waiting for the tv to see if they can order parts...
: no tv, miserable life
: then i have been trying to get some acne cream refilled. note i have been
: getting this fucking acne cream refilled at the same fucking pharmacy for
: more than a year now
: so last week, i went to the same pharmacy to get refill. was told that the
: refill has expired. so i called in, and the doc's office called in the
: prescription to that pharmacy.
: then i went to the pharmacy again, was told that one of the two creams need
: prior authorization, meaning the doctor has to call the insurance to

发帖数: 25262
如果 tv 和 cream 只能够选一个,选哪个?
发帖数: 10425
TV. no question. i can live with some acne on my face

【在 a*o 的大作中提到】
: 如果 tv 和 cream 只能够选一个,选哪个?
1 (共1页)
The ringDPZC, did you see this?
视频: 两个上海人打架,一个东北人解说 (转载)谁在法拉盛愿意帮我买点中药的啊?
what the fuck is this?情人节巧克力
i am a fucking wai FFree Ice Cream Cone at Ben & Jerry's
TABLE FOR ONE (I)说我小样,不给你们露两手,你们不知道娘娘是吃素的
老咬同学疯狂的看书啊求助 谁知道这种护肤品在哪有买的?
Ben & Jerry's - Free Ice Cream Cone女同学们 这周之前DUANE READE的药妆打8折 有些还有折上折
天气暖了去这里在美国贵在折腾, 不然吃亏
话题: cream话题: fucking话题: pharmacy话题: called话题: get