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NewYork版 - jesus fucking christ!!!
今天香港超市看到感人一幕oh kate...
纽约华人遇袭原因何在? (转载)8妹来看这个
谁能联系上margaret chin,city councilwoman representing chinatown, 吗?可以把你想的牌变没的图
Grace Kelly VS Kate Middleton (转载)今天在大中华买东西,收银员少找给我20块钱。
今天大家都好疯癫Rock For Hope VII 第七届希望摇滚音乐节
[合集] 艳照,办公室可看请去支持反SCA5 (转载)
..Rescued dog bites NBC anchor in the face during feel-good segment gone wrong请大家到白宫请愿连署反SCA-5 团结就是力量! (转载)
kate upton is prego...请大家白宫签名,反对加州SCA-5
话题: kate话题: hospital话题: sca话题: saldanha话题: prank
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 10425
The two Australian DJs behind the Kate Middleton hospital prank that led to
the suicide of a nurse have decided to REMOVE themselves from the airwaves.
Southern Cross Austereo, the company that owns the station, has released a
statement ... saying, "SCA and 2Day FM are deeply saddened by the tragic
news of the death of nurse Jacintha Saldanha from King Edward VII’s
SCA says the CEO has spoken with both of the DJs ... who are both "deeply
shocked" over the tragedy.
The company adds, "SCA and the hosts have decided that they will not return
to their radio show until further notice out of respect for what can only be
described as a tragedy."
Interesting that SCA did NOT pull the DJs off the air immediately following
the prank ... but instead waited until the backlash after Saldanha's suicide
. .
8:30 AM PT -- Law enforcement sources tell us ... cops are NOT planning on
conducting a criminal investigation into the death at this point ... and
believe there was no foul play.
We're told a post-mortem examination (autopsy) is currently being scheduled
and is expected to be conducted in the next few days.
Meanwhile, Kate and William's rep has issued a statement on behalf of the
royals saying they are "deeply saddened" by the news ... adding, "Their
thoughts and prayers are with Jacintha Saldanha’s family, friends and
colleagues at this very sad time."
A nurse at the hospital where Kate Middleton was treated for morning
sickness this week has been found dead ... and suicide is suspected -- after
she mistakenly transferred a prank radio call to Kate's hospital room.
According to law enforcement, the woman was found dead at an address near
King Edward VII hospital, where she worked, around 9:30 AM this morning.
Paramedics were dispatched to the scene but were unable to revive her.
Scotland Yard is treating the death as a possible suicide.
The woman -- a nurse identified as Jacintha Saldanha -- was the victim of a
prank by an Australian radio station, which called King Edward VII hospital
on Wednesday pretending to be the Queen of England (with a terrible accent)
and asking to speak to Kate.
发帖数: 1006
hate those radio prank...
发帖数: 8631
That's so yesterday. Beef fries cold meal la.
发帖数: 10425
no. the nurse killed herself! this is today's news!
and i dont blame the DJs that much. they are trying to do their job, which
is provide a good entertainment. I dont think anybody would have thought
that the nurse would kill herself

【在 T********e 的大作中提到】
: That's so yesterday. Beef fries cold meal la.
发帖数: 25262
They picked the wrong person at the wrong time. Radio shows are just joking
of anything, but once they picked a wrong person in a wrong time who can't
be making joke of, that would be sad.


【在 j**4 的大作中提到】
: no. the nurse killed herself! this is today's news!
: and i dont blame the DJs that much. they are trying to do their job, which
: is provide a good entertainment. I dont think anybody would have thought
: that the nurse would kill herself

发帖数: 8631


【在 j**4 的大作中提到】
: no. the nurse killed herself! this is today's news!
: and i dont blame the DJs that much. they are trying to do their job, which
: is provide a good entertainment. I dont think anybody would have thought
: that the nurse would kill herself

发帖数: 23482
发帖数: 25262
You never know how crazy those British people are paying attention the the
royal families. and they haven't gotten over with Diana yet.
That Kate was pregnant, and even MSNBC called it: Breaking News??
a lot of people here would react, What??
It's a lot better to watch the Breaking Bad than paying attention to that
Breaking news.
Now here it comes a breaking tragedy.

【在 m*****5 的大作中提到】
: 被自杀啊,王室手里又多了一抹血红
1 (共1页)
SCA-5不死,我们华裔死 (转载)[合集] 艳照,办公室可看
UAAFA——反对SCA 5广告项目启动,请踊跃捐款 (转载)..Rescued dog bites NBC anchor in the face during feel-good segment gone wrong
UAAFA——反对SCA 5广告项目启动,预算在内——欢迎捐款 (转载)kate upton is prego...
今天香港超市看到感人一幕oh kate...
纽约华人遇袭原因何在? (转载)8妹来看这个
谁能联系上margaret chin,city councilwoman representing chinatown, 吗?可以把你想的牌变没的图
Grace Kelly VS Kate Middleton (转载)今天在大中华买东西,收银员少找给我20块钱。
话题: kate话题: hospital话题: sca话题: saldanha话题: prank