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NewYork版 - MLGB de
if u r into hot japanese chicks哎, 看到华人网上, 这个女的, 国内找工作归了, 那个女的, 找到了国内几分工作, 不知选哪个
can all the fucking chinese xiao3 liu2 justoh the fucking tourists...
MLGB dejesus f'ing christ! (转载)
went to totto ramen for lunch todayjaff1973, i am gonna go all fucking george zimmerman on ur fucking ass!
call me crazy but说说近来midtown吃过的一些店
should i even walk 15 minutes to try totto ramen请教纽约的吃货们
just another day at totto ramen...NYC 本来就是 租房比买房合算
then when i was eating my ramen noodle...我旁边的萎缩男
话题: ramen话题: fucking话题: like话题: party话题: noodle
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 10425
went to totto ramen today for some fucking ramen noodle. the line is
extraordinary long. there's like fucking 2 pages of people in front me.
but there's only one party of 1 in front of me. all others were like party
of 2, party of 3...
so i waited, and waited, and waited for like 40 minutes. I finally asked
the mexican guy if he was ever gonna call party of 1. and he was like, give
me a second. and after like a minute, he came out and called party of 1.
since the other party of 1 was not there, i got the seat...
now keep in mind, 40 minute wait was fast compared to others. people who
arrived at the same time as me, was still waiting to no end! a
and after i sat down, the mexican guy was like, sorry about the wait...i was
like, hey, no problem, thank u. i thought, god, now i have to tip him more
发帖数: 999
pathetic to go alone. You got no friends.
发帖数: 10425
and i finished the ramen noodle in 10 minutes. it cost 11 fucking bucks for
some noodle. and i fucking tipped like 5 bucks... so i spent 16 bucks for
some fucking ramen noodles...
and i realized something about totto ramen. are the noodles there better
than other places? yes. are they so much better that it's worth 30, 40
minute wait every fucking time? no!!! but why do people still flock there?
it's exactly because they have to wait 30, 40 minutes!
think about it, after waiting that long, the food becomes even more
delicious. you better think that the food is delicious because otherwise
you would realize that u r an idiot! u stand there 30, 40 minutes, u r
fucking starving also. and any food tastes better when u r starving!
发帖数: 10425
ramen noodle is like chicks! when the chick is easy to get, the guy would
never appreciate her. when a chick chases the guy, the relationship rarely
works out.
but when the guy really had to work hard to get the chick, the guy would
appreciate her more. the guy would think the chick is the princess...
so the lesson here is that, if u r a chick, u really need to play hard to
发帖数: 683
rich lazy simpleton who does not know how to cook


【在 j**4 的大作中提到】
: and i finished the ramen noodle in 10 minutes. it cost 11 fucking bucks for
: some noodle. and i fucking tipped like 5 bucks... so i spent 16 bucks for
: some fucking ramen noodles...
: and i realized something about totto ramen. are the noodles there better
: than other places? yes. are they so much better that it's worth 30, 40
: minute wait every fucking time? no!!! but why do people still flock there?
: it's exactly because they have to wait 30, 40 minutes!
: think about it, after waiting that long, the food becomes even more
: delicious. you better think that the food is delicious because otherwise
: you would realize that u r an idiot! u stand there 30, 40 minutes, u r

发帖数: 10425
when it comes to totto ramen, i would only go there by myself.. the wait for
2, 3 people are even longer

【在 e**********e 的大作中提到】
: pathetic to go alone. You got no friends.
发帖数: 10425
no, i think they got a lot of return customers and a loooooot of tourists,
mainly chinese/japanese tourists...

【在 w*****3 的大作中提到】
: rich lazy simpleton who does not know how to cook
: for
: for
: ?

发帖数: 10425
and here comes the climax of the story:
i finished the ramen noodle, paid 16 bucks, and walked out. I walked a
block, and suddenly i feel the onset of a diarrhea. the fucking noodle made
me want to poo soo fucking bad! i rushed back to work, ran straight to the
bathroom, and sat on the toilet, and pooed and pooed and pooed... on and off
for another 30 minutes.
during the time, there were like 5, 6 people came in to the bathroom, and
listened to my diarrhea...
the fucking 16 ramen noodle gave me diarrhea!
but i would probably still go back there soon...
发帖数: 999
that is one shitty story...real shitty.


【在 j**4 的大作中提到】
: and here comes the climax of the story:
: i finished the ramen noodle, paid 16 bucks, and walked out. I walked a
: block, and suddenly i feel the onset of a diarrhea. the fucking noodle made
: me want to poo soo fucking bad! i rushed back to work, ran straight to the
: bathroom, and sat on the toilet, and pooed and pooed and pooed... on and off
: for another 30 minutes.
: during the time, there were like 5, 6 people came in to the bathroom, and
: listened to my diarrhea...
: the fucking 16 ramen noodle gave me diarrhea!
: but i would probably still go back there soon...

发帖数: 10425
i spent 16 bucks on lunch, and shit it all out. and now, i am fucking
发帖数: 2632
nah. this is new york, where everyone has a short attention span.


【在 j**4 的大作中提到】
: ramen noodle is like chicks! when the chick is easy to get, the guy would
: never appreciate her. when a chick chases the guy, the relationship rarely
: works out.
: but when the guy really had to work hard to get the chick, the guy would
: appreciate her more. the guy would think the chick is the princess...
: so the lesson here is that, if u r a chick, u really need to play hard to
: get...

发帖数: 14292
no true. i would go with her if she asks. i m like 5 mins from her.

【在 e**********e 的大作中提到】
: pathetic to go alone. You got no friends.
1 (共1页)
我旁边的萎缩男call me crazy but
不行了。。。 今天萎缩男带了饭, 一闻, 就有辣味, 辣的我,should i even walk 15 minutes to try totto ramen
请推荐好吃的方便面just another day at totto ramen...
包子有谢:扭腰的童鞋推荐好的餐馆和去处?then when i was eating my ramen noodle...
if u r into hot japanese chicks哎, 看到华人网上, 这个女的, 国内找工作归了, 那个女的, 找到了国内几分工作, 不知选哪个
can all the fucking chinese xiao3 liu2 justoh the fucking tourists...
MLGB dejesus f'ing christ! (转载)
went to totto ramen for lunch todayjaff1973, i am gonna go all fucking george zimmerman on ur fucking ass!
话题: ramen话题: fucking话题: like话题: party话题: noodle