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NewYork版 - 如被记者采访问及,请一定(匿名也可)谴责中共高压政策 (转载)
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开始和谐啦?看来中国人确实习惯了被和谐I HATE MY JOB!!!
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话题: my话题: ccp话题: opinion话题: demacracy话题: speech
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 997
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: zuiriche11 (苏黎世市民), 信区: Military
标 题: 如被记者采访问及,请一定(匿名也可)谴责中共高压政策
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Oct 28 13:02:18 2013, 美东)
freedom of speech? 怎么来美国倒来劲了?
This is another topic but I am happy you give me a chance to voice my
opinion. Due to concerns of my safety (agianst CCP), I ask you not to
disclose my name and not show my face.
I grew up in China. And we start to see the CCP will never reform into a
demacracy, this regime is in nature a dictatorship. majority of Chinese
people are suffering. We hope to have a demacracy system soon without using
voilence, but we can only hope.
如此回答, 肯定大受主流媒体欢迎,搞不定,马上放弃ABC, 大大歌颂中国新公民觉醒
发帖数: 23482
so stupid.
if reporter dare to ask that question, answer is simple:
1. i am in united states now, i am under constitution protection, freedom of
speech is my right.
2. the question from this reporter implies that he think i do not have the
right to express my thought, which is a violation of freedom of speech at
the first place.
发帖数: 997
hey smarty pants, you played sort of a smart way, but everyone can tell you
are dodging and avoiding the question.
My approach is just more honest, if you really share the opinion, why not
voice it? if you don't share the opinion, you can say you love ccp. LOL


【在 m*****5 的大作中提到】
: so stupid.
: if reporter dare to ask that question, answer is simple:
: 1. i am in united states now, i am under constitution protection, freedom of
: speech is my right.
: 2. the question from this reporter implies that he think i do not have the
: right to express my thought, which is a violation of freedom of speech at
: the first place.

发帖数: 23482
because loving or hating ccp has nothing to do with ABC's standing on
genocide, period.
if you are curious about ppl's opinion on ccp, you should start a separate
i am sure your mom should tell you: 不要胡子眉毛一把抓


【在 z********1 的大作中提到】
: hey smarty pants, you played sort of a smart way, but everyone can tell you
: are dodging and avoiding the question.
: My approach is just more honest, if you really share the opinion, why not
: voice it? if you don't share the opinion, you can say you love ccp. LOL
: of

发帖数: 997
你还是客气点吧,上来就骂人,你的理由也不充分。 这个challenge 在美国主流媒体
上是必然的concern. 我提供了我的回答, 你提供了你的回答。 我的比你更加直接and
informative,你的闪烁其词,巧妙的回避了问题。 没必要非要争高下, 真受不了。

【在 m*****5 的大作中提到】
: because loving or hating ccp has nothing to do with ABC's standing on
: genocide, period.
: if you are curious about ppl's opinion on ccp, you should start a separate
: topic.
: i am sure your mom should tell you: 不要胡子眉毛一把抓
: you

发帖数: 21961
Don't have idea what u guys argue about?
Simple answer:
Yes I fell our right of freedem was limited in china when I was back in
And that is the reason I came to USA.
Unfortunately I just figured out that our right of living got threatened.
Even by the kids. I really worry about my life and my next generation's life
, if this can not be corrected.
When u talk keep the simple words. It is not a seminar.
1 (共1页)
早上不好....apple Ipod 苹果手机和黑莓 哪个好用?
上帝你给我进来..我有话要对你说Hate someone? Send him/her a mystery
Re: Get in the slow lane, bitch. (转载)Car for sale
求教一个纽约租房的问题~I hate Ebay!!!!
such heavy rain2000 Dodge Intrepid @ NYC
开始和谐啦?看来中国人确实习惯了被和谐I HATE MY JOB!!!
话题: my话题: ccp话题: opinion话题: demacracy话题: speech