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NewYork版 - 一个利用社交媒介抗议的建议,同意的请跟贴 (转载)
抗议race-baiter Kimmel/Disney 标语汇总挖坑,大家想找多高的mm
纽约的同胞们!咱们搞个syncronized protest吧!梦想的清单
Why Kimmel's NEW Apology is Unacceptable (转载)Why do we need a social network to boycott JK/Disney? (转载)
战斗檄文 --- A public protest letter to ABC (转载)craigslist上的vacation rental可信吗?
如何丰胸???建议大家使用反对种族屠杀(genocide)更好一些 (转载)
We do not spontaneously learn that we don't learn that we纽约地区抗议Jimmy Kimmel Genocide Comments on Kid's Table S (转载)
要谈就谈一场为了结婚的爱情纽约地区抗议Jimmy Kimmel Genocide Comments on Kid's Table (转载)
大家来说说自己的优点?下一步汇总: 请各就各位,互相帮助! (转载)
话题: chinese话题: 朋友话题: facebook话题: kimmel话题: disney
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 290
【 以下文字转载自 SanFrancisco 讨论区 】
发信人: protege (protege), 信区: SanFrancisco
标 题: 一个利用社交媒介抗议的建议,同意的请跟贴
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Oct 28 18:17:52 2013, 美东)
建议大家在各自的社交媒介上post a status as follows。让自己的朋友,朋友的朋友
说,花的时间精力成本也不高。下面这个comment可以作为一个模板(credit goes to
status 正文:
My dear friends, I am asking a big favor from you. If you agree on the
following comments (even partly), regardless you are Chinese or not, can you
please help spread it out to your friends at Facebook by simply clicking "
Like" or reposting it on your page? I may have only limited number of
friends at Facebook, but I do have you as a friend to count on. I’d very
much appreciate your help. 我親愛的朋友們,我請求您一個大忙。如果您同意以下
Disney needs to apologize for creating an environment where "killing all
Chinese" is publicly aired as a joke. And even if the statement was
spontaneous, not scripted, in the beginning Kimmel clearly baited the
children with "We owe the Chinese a lot of money, 1.3 trillion". Kimmel didn
't mention that Chinese only owns 1/7 of the US public debt, and other
nation/races own nearly as much. He singled out the Chinese debt looking
for cheap laughs (race-baiting). He laughed when the kid suggested “killing
all Chinese” and he kept laughing and asked “Shall we allow Chinese to
live?” Disney made the decision to air the genocidal idea as a "joke", it
has to be boycotted and sued.
1 (共1页)
下一步汇总: 请各就各位,互相帮助! (转载)如何丰胸???
如何提高网上曝光率:抗议Jimmy Kimmel种族歧视言论 Facebook等文案We do not spontaneously learn that we don't learn that we
大家尽量到李春燕博士接受CNN现场采访视频页面留言 (转载)要谈就谈一场为了结婚的爱情
【华盟消息】麻省同胞给力,州参议员力挺解雇ABC相关责任人员 (转载)大家来说说自己的优点?
抗议race-baiter Kimmel/Disney 标语汇总挖坑,大家想找多高的mm
纽约的同胞们!咱们搞个syncronized protest吧!梦想的清单
Why Kimmel's NEW Apology is Unacceptable (转载)Why do we need a social network to boycott JK/Disney? (转载)
战斗檄文 --- A public protest letter to ABC (转载)craigslist上的vacation rental可信吗?
话题: chinese话题: 朋友话题: facebook话题: kimmel话题: disney