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NewYork版 - Need a Jr developer (转载)
MBS, CDS算不算金融衍生物?有些女的
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纽约top投行证券部门招募Entry Level C# Developers,年薪85k请问做Equity Research Associate的工资一般有多少?
8:45 Heaven谁想搬来atlanta?
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chinese wsn meng2帝国大厦旁边枪战
话题: trading话题: 8226话题: net话题: work话题: developer
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 4859
【 以下文字转载自 JobHunting 讨论区 】
发信人: Jadeson (紫昂德帅), 信区: JobHunting
标 题: Need a Jr developer
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Mar 12 11:18:29 2015, 美东)
Great C#.Net Developer position that is co-located with the Front Office
Securities business and is part of the global trading technology team. You
will have the opportunity to work on the real time trading platforms as well
as working closely with the traders to automate trading strategies. This
role is unique in that it is both Development and Ops focussed (on a roster)
and you will get the opportunity to work with trading teams in Asia Pac and
Europe. The desk is focussed on trading Equities and Equity Derivatives
products. Specifically the New York trading desk is entering an exciting
build phase, looking to expand capabilities in ETF pricing and trading.
Key responsibilities:
• Develop and enhance algorithmic arbitrage strategies with a view
to improve alpha and minimize slippage
• Key focus on basket pricing and ETF trading
• Partner with the trading desk to identify and implement new
trading strategies
• Be responsible for End to End Delivery including Requirements
through to back testing and support
• Develop tools to enhance the daily operational efficiency of the
trading desk
• Work with the global team of motivated developers to deliver
quality technology solutions in a demanding work environment.
About you:
To be successful as the C#.Net Developer you be degree qualified within
Computer Science or similar and will possess strong C#.Net (.Net 4.0) design
and development experience. This experience would have be gained on real
time multi-threaded, Equity and/or Equity Derivatives trading platforms. You
will be well versed in working in a fast paced trading environment and used
to work closely with the business. In addition you will also possess the
• Experience with technologies such as DevExpress, Infragistics,
NHibernate, Autofac, Reuters, Bloomberg, SQL Server, TCP/IP programming,
would be highly regarded
• FIX Protocol experience
• Ability to interpret business needs quickly and work with minimal
• The ability to operate independently, to be proactive, and able
to interact with stakeholders across all levels.
Send email to J************[email protected]
1 (共1页)
帝国大厦旁边枪战纽约top投行证券部门招募Entry Level C# Developers,年薪85k
Re: 请问一般商业银行的senior equity analyst的pacakge (转载)8:45 Heaven
小妹本科选学校,希望大家能够给点参考意见~ 谢谢大家啦~白皮书-rock for hope II (转载)
talking about justice.chinese wsn meng2
MBS, CDS算不算金融衍生物?有些女的
Beta[坑]大家和ex都是为什么分手的? (转载)
话题: trading话题: 8226话题: net话题: work话题: developer