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NextGeneration版 - gripe water & reflux
BURPING 问题需要帮助!
求助:宝宝reflux,儿医不开药gripe water对colic和reflux管用吗?
宝宝快一个月了有acid reflux, 求良方!请问有人用过Colic Calm Gripe Water吗?
求助!五周半的宝宝哭的声音都变了,是不是reflux?有没有妈妈用gripe water的?
5个星期的宝宝,吃完2 ounces之后一直fuss怎么办?还有睡觉问题大家讨论一下glider吧
宝宝是不是有silent reflux,请教有经验的妈妈求救求救!宝宝连续2天哭闹,怎么办啊!
话题: reflux话题: gripe话题: water话题: should话题: spit
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 836
My twins have reflux -- they used to spit up from nose/mouth often in the
last two months. Now, they dont spit up often but they are having silent
reflux (they will cry when they are on bed and we have to pick them up to
burp). They also fart a lot.
The doctor suggested that we try gripe water. I bought one yesterday,
but I am not sure how to use it. I have several questions.
1. Should I directly put it to their mouth?
2. Should I give them the water before or after feeding?
3. How many times do you give gripe water?
4. Does it really solve the gas and reflux problems?
Many thanks
发帖数: 5689
基本上,gripe water对reflux起不到什么作用
你可以任何时候喂,gripe water不是药,没关系

【在 c**********0 的大作中提到】
: My twins have reflux -- they used to spit up from nose/mouth often in the
: last two months. Now, they dont spit up often but they are having silent
: reflux (they will cry when they are on bed and we have to pick them up to
: burp). They also fart a lot.
: The doctor suggested that we try gripe water. I bought one yesterday,
: but I am not sure how to use it. I have several questions.
: 1. Should I directly put it to their mouth?
: 2. Should I give them the water before or after feeding?
: 3. How many times do you give gripe water?
: 4. Does it really solve the gas and reflux problems?

发帖数: 836
thanks. they have reflux only when they try to burp. the dr said that
burps may be caused by gas, so ask us to try it. do you mix it with
milk/water, or give it directly? thanks.

【在 m****o 的大作中提到】
: 基本上,gripe water对reflux起不到什么作用
: 你可以任何时候喂,gripe water不是药,没关系

发帖数: 5689
I just give it directly.
It really relief the gas problem when my baby was little
However, my baby have acid reflux now, It doesn't work at all.

【在 c**********0 的大作中提到】
: thanks. they have reflux only when they try to burp. the dr said that
: burps may be caused by gas, so ask us to try it. do you mix it with
: milk/water, or give it directly? thanks.

1 (共1页)
7周多的宝宝,好磨人呀。。。5个星期的宝宝,吃完2 ounces之后一直fuss怎么办?还有睡觉问题
奔宝宝+问问题宝宝是不是有silent reflux,请教有经验的妈妈
BURPING 问题需要帮助!
求助:宝宝reflux,儿医不开药gripe water对colic和reflux管用吗?
宝宝快一个月了有acid reflux, 求良方!请问有人用过Colic Calm Gripe Water吗?
话题: reflux话题: gripe话题: water话题: should话题: spit