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NextGeneration版 - 请支持80-20动议 (转载)
KOHL'S 30% off plus $10 GC for $50 Spent (转载)B超出来小妞9lb4oz了
我该怎么办?求祝福!糖妈明天去医院induce labor了!
Columbia U. AsAm Debate on College Admissions‏ (转载)催生和喊号子
Reflux宝宝sleep training报告关于宝宝的出生日子
蒙校是Montessori ?集合集合啦! 过40周还在焦急等待的!
话题: asian话题: apalc话题: am话题: kwoh话题: stewart
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 41
【 以下文字转载自 WaterWorld 讨论区 】
发信人: secsoul (每天多干一点), 信区: WaterWorld
标 题: 请支持80-20动议
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue May 1 00:31:36 2012, 美东)
CALL TO ACTION -- Inducing The 4 Asian Am
Organizations To Stop Opposing YOU!
98% of the Asian Americans, who took an OPEN & NEUTRAL survey,
chose "a race-neutral and merit-based college admission policy".
The total number of participants is 50,277*. When projected to the
national population scale, it is equivalent to a ONE MILLION person survey.
Our community has spoken!
The following 4 Asian Am. orgs, have filed a legal brief with the 5th
Circuit Court, supporting "a race-conscious college admission policy"
which discriminates against Asian Am. applicants. Since March 1, 80-20
EF has asked the leader of the group to please not do it again.
they intend to file AGAIN before the Supreme Court.
They also filed in the Supreme Court in 2003 supporting Michigan Law
School's race-conscious admission. That caused Asian Am students to
endure the current race-conscious policy for the last 9 years.
1) Asian Pacific American Legal Center (APALC)
Stewart Kwoh, President & Executive Director s***[email protected]
Web: http://www.apalc.org/
1145 Wilshire Boulevard, 2nd Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90017
Telephone: (213) 977-7500
Facsimile: (213) 977-7595
2) Asian Law Caucus
3) Asian American Justice Center
http://www.advancingequality.org (no email)
4) Asian American Institute
Stewart Kwoh, is the key person. He is the President and Executive
Director of APALC. The other three orgs are all APALC's affiliates. To
see http://www.apalc.org/who-we-are/affiliates-associated-groups .
APALC and its affiliates have done some good things. We thank them. But
they have no business, while purporting to speak for Asian Ams, to support
a "race-conscious" admission policy, ESPECIALLY after a survey has sh 5b98
that 98% of Asians Ams support a "race-neutral admission policy."
PLEASE EMAIL Stewart Kwoh via s***[email protected] plus i**[email protected] .
He has to know that we, the 50,000 who took the survey, are serious about
winning equal opportunity for our college-bound students. We shall
hold him, APALC and its affiliates accountable for their NEXT brief
in "Fisher vs. Univ. of Texas," while respecting their rights to speak out.
You may post your email to Stewart Kwoh on our posterboard
http://www.80-20educationalfoundation.org/politicaledu/posterboard.asp .
or copy me in, if like. I've posted mine on the posterboard. Pls be
polite. Just state your view and give your name, city & State.
If Stewart Kwoh listens to YOU and joins us, he will be my hero because
he sets a shining example for solidarity. Otherwise, our community
should hold him accountable. Email him. Counting on you!
S. B. Woo
President, 80-20 National Asian Am Educational Foundation
1 (共1页)
医生让催产,纠结中Columbia U. AsAm Debate on College Admissions‏ (转载)
今天Due Day (7/4), 早上9点有pain, 该不该去医院?Reflux宝宝sleep training报告
7月底预产期的准妈妈都有什么进展了么?蒙校是Montessori ?
糖妈必须due date之前induce?俺的剧痛顺产产经
KOHL'S 30% off plus $10 GC for $50 Spent (转载)B超出来小妞9lb4oz了
我该怎么办?求祝福!糖妈明天去医院induce labor了!
话题: asian话题: apalc话题: am话题: kwoh话题: stewart