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[合集] 发帖征祝福criteria of TOEFL IBT (visascreen and cg)
[合集] about visa screen为什么要考IELTS或者TOEFL
[合集] 终于拿到visascreen certificate了美国学校毕业的ADN,要做visascreen吗
visascreen form哪位知道新墨toefl成绩要求?
求助:关于VisaScreen 表格(有最新消息)终于知道了新墨toefl要求
能申请accelerated 课程吗刚考了NCLEX-RN
话题: ead话题: my话题: 485话题: file话题: rejected
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 228
I am going to apply for the Green card. After I talked with the attorney of
the hospital, he told me to pass Toefl and get the Visascreen done first
before filing the petition. But I don't know if I can file the petition
first.Thanks in advance.
If I file the application first and get my EAD, then I can start to work,
right? Here is my question. If I cannot submit my VC when my 485 is handled
, my application will be rejected but at this time can I still work until my
EAD expire( it is usuall
发帖数: 272
EAD based on I-485, petition is I-140. You need to file I-140 and I-485 and
I-765(EAD) together.
发帖数: 228
So to Myfuture, do you think if this is pratical? I file the 140 and 485 and
set my husband as my dependent. My husband will file the GC ASAP and take
me as the dependent. For my case, I will file the petition for the EAD
simultaneously. Once I get my EAD and SSN, I can start to work, right? At
the same time, i will prepare the Toefl and trying to get VS done ASAP. If
i can pass the Toefl, everything will be OK. In case I failed and cannot
submit VC when INS handles my 485, my GC will be reject
发帖数: 2041
no, you cannot work as soon as your 485 is rejected
发帖数: 160
sure, you can


【在 t********o 的大作中提到】
: So to Myfuture, do you think if this is pratical? I file the 140 and 485 and
: set my husband as my dependent. My husband will file the GC ASAP and take
: me as the dependent. For my case, I will file the petition for the EAD
: simultaneously. Once I get my EAD and SSN, I can start to work, right? At
: the same time, i will prepare the Toefl and trying to get VS done ASAP. If
: i can pass the Toefl, everything will be OK. In case I failed and cannot
: submit VC when INS handles my 485, my GC will be reject

发帖数: 160
do you mean you and your husband files another 140 and 485 while he is the
primary applicant? Yes. You two can apply EAD together based on his
If you are the primary applicant with your husband as your dependent, you
two can apply EAD based on your case.


【在 t********o 的大作中提到】
: So to Myfuture, do you think if this is pratical? I file the 140 and 485 and
: set my husband as my dependent. My husband will file the GC ASAP and take
: me as the dependent. For my case, I will file the petition for the EAD
: simultaneously. Once I get my EAD and SSN, I can start to work, right? At
: the same time, i will prepare the Toefl and trying to get VS done ASAP. If
: i can pass the Toefl, everything will be OK. In case I failed and cannot
: submit VC when INS handles my 485, my GC will be reject

发帖数: 228
Thanks GreenBean.
Here is another question.
If my husband can file 140 and 485 together, can I apply for the EAD again
to continue working?
发帖数: 228
I see. My question is, if my 485 is rejected, can I still work using the EAD
? If I can, how long I can work? Thanks
发帖数: 228
Thanks. So do you mean we submit GC application seperately without setting
up each other as dependent? If one of us is rejected, add the rejected as
dependent then as long as the 485 is still in process. Thanks.
发帖数: 2638
I think she and her husband can file 140 and 485 together in two seperate
cases.When I filed my 140 and 485, my lawyer let me do it,but I didn't.And
another chinese nurse in the hospital where I worked filed 3 485 in three
different cases, one by her sister who is a citizen, one by herself and one
by her husband through EB3.
so i think she definitely can do it.

1 (共1页)
糊里湖涂得被拒了求助:关于VisaScreen 表格
To greenbean绿卡申请有什么可以提前准备的么
嫉妒中国读出来的护士能申请accelerated 课程吗
[合集] 发帖征祝福criteria of TOEFL IBT (visascreen and cg)
[合集] about visa screen为什么要考IELTS或者TOEFL
[合集] 终于拿到visascreen certificate了美国学校毕业的ADN,要做visascreen吗
visascreen form哪位知道新墨toefl成绩要求?
话题: ead话题: my话题: 485话题: file话题: rejected