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Nursing版 - duoduocici 关于AUSTIN,TX
有没有像我这样的?!New Grad-What should i do?
请过来人指点About RN Residency Program
刚听说我们医院也freeze hiring了让人烦恼的float制度
(分享)LA地区 New Grads, nurses new to the USA, RN refresher class[合集] 让人烦恼的float制度
无限郁闷中...请教opt 有效期 问题
我这样RN什么地方会要呀,请各位XDJM支招Nursing home or hospital?
hiring new gradI'm an official RN...
ACLS and PALS找工经历
话题: duoduocici话题: austin话题: hr话题: interview话题: maybe
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 8
Hi duoduocici,
Would you mind telling me where did you get the information about
sponsorship in Seton? Because One of my friends just called Seton today, and
the person in HR told him that they don't sponsor new grad.
Maybe the person made a mistake? If so, I would like my friend to have
another try.
发帖数: 47
Hi weiwei,
I met them at Toronto job fair. Maybe they don't sponsor new grads because
when I talked to HR on the phone last week, the person said sponsoring GC or
not depends, but for my case yes. I have five years RN experience.
Was your friend a nurse in China? If yes, tell them. As far as I know,
foreign nurse experience normally counts towards salaries, so it should
count towards everything else, as well.
发帖数: 8
Thank you, cici. He is new grad too. Have you done the on-site interview?
Good luck!


【在 d********i 的大作中提到】
: Hi weiwei,
: I met them at Toronto job fair. Maybe they don't sponsor new grads because
: when I talked to HR on the phone last week, the person said sponsoring GC or
: not depends, but for my case yes. I have five years RN experience.
: Was your friend a nurse in China? If yes, tell them. As far as I know,
: foreign nurse experience normally counts towards salaries, so it should
: count towards everything else, as well.

发帖数: 47
Thank you. I had the phone interview today. Are you in Austin?
发帖数: 510
Could you tell me something about the phone interview? Maybe I'll have one

【在 d********i 的大作中提到】
: Thank you. I had the phone interview today. Are you in Austin?
发帖数: 47
Phone interview is not very much different from interview face to face. I
had about total 10 interviews in my nursing career. Some of them are very
formal, some are not. The interviewers could be the unit manager alone, or
with the educator, sometimes with the HR recruiter, as well.
Normally the interview consists of two parts, first part is the interviewers
ask you questions. Some of them asks a lot of questions, based on nursing
standards and clinical cases, eg."what is evidence-based care? Gi
发帖数: 510
Thanks a lot!


【在 d********i 的大作中提到】
: Phone interview is not very much different from interview face to face. I
: had about total 10 interviews in my nursing career. Some of them are very
: formal, some are not. The interviewers could be the unit manager alone, or
: with the educator, sometimes with the HR recruiter, as well.
: Normally the interview consists of two parts, first part is the interviewers
: ask you questions. Some of them asks a lot of questions, based on nursing
: standards and clinical cases, eg."what is evidence-based care? Gi

1 (共1页)
VA hospital 找工经历我这样RN什么地方会要呀,请各位XDJM支招
To melanohiring new grad
Kaplan Vs Ncsbn Nclex-rn Review ACLS and PALS
有没有像我这样的?!New Grad-What should i do?
请过来人指点About RN Residency Program
刚听说我们医院也freeze hiring了让人烦恼的float制度
(分享)LA地区 New Grads, nurses new to the USA, RN refresher class[合集] 让人烦恼的float制度
话题: duoduocici话题: austin话题: hr话题: interview话题: maybe