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Nursing版 - HR 5924 is live!(ZZ)
Visa bulletin of March 2007现在护士找工作情况怎么样?
More Good News coming from the House this time坏消息
HR 5924 passed in immi sub-committee Comparing Immigration Options for Nurses--From a google search result
Emergency Nursing Supply Relief Act (HR 2536)有人申请过H1C吗?
关于RN申请H1B的疑问Nation in Need of Nurses - Why a Freeze in Hiring During an Era of Shortage?
medical career 讨论学洗牙师
Health Care Workers In Region to Rise to 100,000 By 2010美国不缺护士吗?
Green card exemption for nurses WAS on the CIR bill工资比医生还高的护士
话题: 5924话题: hr话题: rep话题: visa
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 634
Last night Rep. Wexler (D - FL) introduced our legislation. It is HR 5924,
and is co-sponsored by Rep. Sensenbrenner (R - WI). The Government Printing
Office has not yet printed the legislation, but since the CTIHS has been
instrumental in moving this bill, HLG is very familiar with the legislation.
The key points of the legislation are:
1. Lifting of retrogression for Schedule A workers. Any immigrant visa
quotas or caps are waived for all visa applications filed for Shortage
Occupations (Sched
1 (共1页)
差距极大的洛杉矶医院们medical career 讨论
从澳洲来美国Health Care Workers In Region to Rise to 100,000 By 2010
听同学说奥巴马明年要开放绿卡给国际护士,是真的吗?Green card exemption for nurses WAS on the CIR bill
Visa bulletin of March 2007现在护士找工作情况怎么样?
More Good News coming from the House this time坏消息
HR 5924 passed in immi sub-committee Comparing Immigration Options for Nurses--From a google search result
Emergency Nursing Supply Relief Act (HR 2536)有人申请过H1C吗?
话题: 5924话题: hr话题: rep话题: visa