b*******r 发帖数: 432 | 1
AT&T is good, Sprint generally ppl say it sucks, don't know Verizon.
no. but generally u can go to amazon.com or buy.com etc. to find some
deal like free or discounted cell phone. (but u need to buy plan to
get those deal). | b*******r 发帖数: 432 | 2 i don't think it matters much. next-generation seems have more
function related to internet and showing image on ur cell etc.
it's just fancy. no much use i think.
digital should be good enough. i don't really know what's
the diff of multiband and digital. only thing might be some
cell phones have multiband can be used in china.
呵呵,胡说八道一通,欢迎大家拍板砖 :)
anyway,i use at&t digital.i'm satisfactory with it.
one more thing (i'm sure on this :) ) is: if this is
ur 1st cell phone,don't go those fancy cell | b*******r 发帖数: 432 | 3 sprint好像是出了名的信号弱,T-mobile好像前身是
Voicestream, 我以前用过也是信号巨弱,有评论说
太烂,黑一道人就跑,换个名再接着黑 :) ).
除了这俩其它的几种(at&t,nextel, cingular等)好像信号
看你侧重什么吧。 |