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Ohio版 - Job opening at Microsoft
Cleveland Clinic Foundation (Cleveland, OH) Analyst Job Op (转载)Job title 的问题: Junior 是和 associate 同级的吗?
请推荐中餐馆CASHIER JOB in Columbus【JOBS】招多个Software Engineer and QA at San Francisco
Statistical Marketing Analyst Job Opening (转载)【JOBS】招Java Developer/QA若干 (转载)
Antra 招聘全职 Java, .Net developer以及Business Analyst[JOB] Product/Process Development Engineer/Scientist
windows 8的问题JOB:hedge fund IT工作(CT)--支持H1B (转载)
Freedom pop charge了我的信用卡两次,32.98 eachjobhunting 网站
有经费对找faculty有多重要?Can Facebook Get You a Job?
Job opening: Java Developer (转载)Software Developer Job at HP
话题: job话题: test话题: microsoft话题: develop话题: opening
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 159
Go Bucks! :-)
We have an exciting Job opening of Software Design Engineer in Test, in
online payment service area, at Microsoft Windows Live division. Located at
Redmond, Washington.
For detailed information about the job, please contact m***[email protected]
Job responsibilities include but are not limited to:
* Actively participate into feature design
* Take test ownership for features in a full product cycle
* Develop test tools and test code with great reusability
* Develop solid test automation
1 (共1页)
Software Developer Job at HPwindows 8的问题
Java Job opportunityFreedom pop charge了我的信用卡两次,32.98 each
Job opportunity in Plymouth/MI -- Java developer (转载)有经费对找faculty有多重要?
Java, Oracle Job OpeningsJob opening: Java Developer (转载)
Cleveland Clinic Foundation (Cleveland, OH) Analyst Job Op (转载)Job title 的问题: Junior 是和 associate 同级的吗?
请推荐中餐馆CASHIER JOB in Columbus【JOBS】招多个Software Engineer and QA at San Francisco
Statistical Marketing Analyst Job Opening (转载)【JOBS】招Java Developer/QA若干 (转载)
Antra 招聘全职 Java, .Net developer以及Business Analyst[JOB] Product/Process Development Engineer/Scientist
话题: job话题: test话题: microsoft话题: develop话题: opening