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Ohio版 - One-way road trip to California
转租shaker heights 2br 其中一间J1在美换实验室,迫在眉睫了,求助
征友~~~ 新来乍到Cleveland,家有3.5岁男孩一枚随便说说
Old Truck for Sale, Dayton $4500, free deliveryPetition to Split California Into Six States Gets Green Light
One-way road trip from OH to CaliforniaStarter的问题
One-way road trip from OH to California at the beginning of October朋友买车奇事
Routan in Bay area[合集] 请给些建议:4万以内买什么样的车?
robustness check的结果要放到文章里面码?Transmission 的维护(申请加精)
话题: california话题: way话题: trip话题: road话题: nearby
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 54
I, a very easygoing lady, look for one or two people (do not mind a couple)
to join a one-way road trip from Cleveland to north or south California with
my robust car at the beginning of Oct.(time is flexible). If you are nearby
(like in PA or MI state)or on the way to CA, I can pick you up. We will
share gas, hotel and driving a manual transimission car. The autumn of
Colorado is the best of the year, and you won't regret your decision! I do
not have time restriction, so the schedule can be tot
发帖数: 54
Hehe, no one is intersted?


【在 u**********r 的大作中提到】
: I, a very easygoing lady, look for one or two people (do not mind a couple)
: to join a one-way road trip from Cleveland to north or south California with
: my robust car at the beginning of Oct.(time is flexible). If you are nearby
: (like in PA or MI state)or on the way to CA, I can pick you up. We will
: share gas, hotel and driving a manual transimission car. The autumn of
: Colorado is the best of the year, and you won't regret your decision! I do
: not have time restriction, so the schedule can be tot

1 (共1页)
Transmission 的维护(申请加精)One-way road trip from OH to California
政府拍卖的车One-way road trip from OH to California at the beginning of October
帮忙看看这个2006年的Corolla值不值得花$8200修Routan in Bay area
这样能开么?robustness check的结果要放到文章里面码?
转租shaker heights 2br 其中一间J1在美换实验室,迫在眉睫了,求助
征友~~~ 新来乍到Cleveland,家有3.5岁男孩一枚随便说说
Old Truck for Sale, Dayton $4500, free deliveryPetition to Split California Into Six States Gets Green Light
话题: california话题: way话题: trip话题: road话题: nearby