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Olympics版 - 2012 奥运会 参赛运动员人数统计
U.S. Judo Athlete Fails Drug Testnon-chinese athletes please touch ground with your hands
截至目前, 按对奖牌榜的贡献,中国队最好的是游泳大项, 附详细列表.有史以来最美的athlete
这新闻真的假的? 阿尔及利亚名将800米消极比赛被剥夺参赛资格Why great Olympic feats raise controversies
美国女子接力队40秒82。 平均一个人跑10秒2.太疯狂了。Big Data Analysis of Swimming Athletes' Performance Records
谁把NBC最后的结束那段录一下学术讨论: Big Data Analysis of Swimming Athletes' Performa (转载)
北京残奥会比赛项目介绍Seven Cameroon athletes disappeared (Yahoo news)
Phelps won ESPY捷克一个娃 很靓
柳金居然得了best female athlete想起了Geico的一个电视广告
话题: us话题: uk话题: team话题: germany话题: china
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 9831
The data shows how the games are still dominated by the Olympic superpowers
of the US, UK, Russia, China, Germany and Australia. Together, the countries
account for 2,720 athletes - one in four of all the athletes in the games.
Team GB, as the host nation, has more athletes than any other country on
this database: 557 registered (which is a few more than the official list
published here), followed by the US (534), Russia (441), Australia (414),
Germany (395). China has 379.
Track and field athletics dominates with 2,242 athletes, but after that (and
excluding team games), there's swimming (948), then shooting with 391 and
Judo with 390.
Some 44% of all athletes are women (highest numbers from the UK). In terms
of percentage of the major teams are: Japan (53%), Russia (52%), the US (51%
), the UK is further down the list with 48%, behind Ethiopia
The priorities of each team are interesting - for the Olympic superpowers,
these are some of the key facts:
• China - 6% of the team are competing in shooting (as many as are
basketball players), another 4% are badminton players - higher than any
other major country
• Germany - 3% are equestrians, higher than the UK, China and the US
• Russia - 4% are wrestlers, higher than any other superpower (the UK
has a tiny percentage, 0.2%)
• UK - 5% of Team GB are taking part in cycling event, which although
high is behind Germany (6.3%) and a host of other smaller countries,
including France, Spain, Ecuador - and Iran
US - 23.4% of the US team are competing in athletics, compared to just 14%
of the Chinese.
1 (共1页)
Racism in Olympic Coverage北京残奥会比赛项目介绍
American athlete under fire for carrying Mexican flagPhelps won ESPY
女子链球中国队就是没有argue到点子上柳金居然得了best female athlete
U.S. Judo Athlete Fails Drug Testnon-chinese athletes please touch ground with your hands
截至目前, 按对奖牌榜的贡献,中国队最好的是游泳大项, 附详细列表.有史以来最美的athlete
这新闻真的假的? 阿尔及利亚名将800米消极比赛被剥夺参赛资格Why great Olympic feats raise controversies
美国女子接力队40秒82。 平均一个人跑10秒2.太疯狂了。Big Data Analysis of Swimming Athletes' Performance Records
话题: us话题: uk话题: team话题: germany话题: china