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Oregon版 - Comet McNaught - the brightest comet in 30 years
Comet McNaught photo galleryzt Comet McNaught Brightening
the brightest comet in 30 yearsAstronomy Picture of Day: Comet McNaught Over Catalonia
Comet McNaught photo galleryAstronomy Picture of Day: McNaught's Matinee
zt Comet McNaught BrighteningAstronomy Picture of Day: Magnificient Tail of Comet McNaug
Astronomy Picture of Day: Comet McNaught Over CataloniaA few selected photos of Comet McNaught from spacecweather.
Astronomy Picture of Day: McNaught's Matinee****西方也信这个:彗星肉眼可见时,是疫情最高峰
Astronomy Picture of Day: Magnificient Tail of Comet McNaug2012 天文 邵逸夫奖和科维理奖
A few selected photos of Comet McNaught from spacecweather.New Theory: Sexual Orientation Determined by Brain Hemisphere Dominance
话题: comet话题: mcnaught话题: brightest话题: years话题: 30
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 436
Comet McNaught has become the brightest comet in 30 years, according to the
International Comet Quarterly at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for
Tonight (Wednesday, Jan. 10) may be the best chance for Northern Hemisphere
viewers to spot it.
Not sure if the sky will be clear to see it today or tomorrow...I remember
we watched comet Haley in 1986..
1 (共1页)
New Theory: Sexual Orientation Determined by Brain Hemisphere DominanceAstronomy Picture of Day: Comet McNaught Over Catalonia
A close-up with a cometAstronomy Picture of Day: McNaught's Matinee
欧洲航天局的彗星登陆 fails to anchor downAstronomy Picture of Day: Magnificient Tail of Comet McNaug
More about Ikeya-Zhang vs. Comet 1661A few selected photos of Comet McNaught from spacecweather.
Comet McNaught photo galleryzt Comet McNaught Brightening
the brightest comet in 30 yearsAstronomy Picture of Day: Comet McNaught Over Catalonia
Comet McNaught photo galleryAstronomy Picture of Day: McNaught's Matinee
zt Comet McNaught BrighteningAstronomy Picture of Day: Magnificient Tail of Comet McNaug
话题: comet话题: mcnaught话题: brightest话题: years话题: 30