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Oregon版 - 核辐射检测数据. Updated daily. (转载)
同事要去非洲当志愿者求介绍Oregon地区的mortgage broker
今晚有英仙座流星雨 !现在7/1arm可以做到2.875 no point no cost了
才听说有些机场已经装了full body scanner了最近的利率好象不错, 是不是REFIN的时机?
波特兰哪里可以买碘片啊?求推荐一个Portlan Oregon的refinance Agent (转载)
these closing cost is reasonable?求认识打排球的朋友
雇contractor的注意事项核辐射检测数据. Updated daily. (转载)
话题: mrem话题: radiation话题: hour话题: 2011
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发帖数: 3228
【 以下文字转载自 Seattle 讨论区 】
发信人: onetiemyshoe (onetiemyshoe), 信区: Seattle
标 题: 核辐射检测数据. Updated daily.
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Mar 14 10:59:06 2011, 美东)
So far, 3/14/2011 & 3/15/2011, in Seattle, only background radiation = 0.008
mrem/hour. 谢谢大家给发包子 :-)
3/16/2011, radiation around .011 mrem/hour. This is NOT significant. Please don't panick.
3/17/2011, radiation around .010 mrem/hour. This is NOT significant.
3/18/2011, radiation around .010 mrem/hour. Good news from Japan: the cooling system restarted after power connect. so i'll stop update in a couple of days. thanks everyone for baozi!
3/19/2011, around .009 mrem/hour. Sorry about the good news yesterday, I might have been premature. but today it's definitely for real, though the cooling system is not restored yet:
Hats off to the Fukushima 50. Hope they will do ok. Will update a few more days, no worries.
Radiation is measured using a geiger counter it automatically calculate the equivalent dosage from number of particles detected, averaged within a couple of minutes. it probably costed around $400
(worth the peace of mind); On the other hand, the leaks in Japan is not likely to cause a lot of radioactive fallout here (my guess). People in UW may be able to loan one out from the
physics department.
this link has information about average background radiation.
To protect yourself during a fallout:
1. pregnant women / children should get out of here (if the level is really
high like 50x, which i doubt will be the case), or wear masks
2. don't drink milk from cows living in area suffering from nuclear fall
out, especially not in the initial fallout, see half-life of radioactive
3. stay indoors in raining weather
4. shower and throw away contaminated clothing
radioactive iodine has half-life of 8 days, radioactive celsium has half-life like 30 years.
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看看专业人士对加州海滩放射性的意见these closing cost is reasonable?
核辐射检测数据. Updated daily.雇contractor的注意事项
同事要去非洲当志愿者求介绍Oregon地区的mortgage broker
今晚有英仙座流星雨 !现在7/1arm可以做到2.875 no point no cost了
才听说有些机场已经装了full body scanner了最近的利率好象不错, 是不是REFIN的时机?
话题: mrem话题: radiation话题: hour话题: 2011