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Overseas版 - PhD openings in Process Control, University of Alberta, Canada
到校医院给一对北京父母做翻译 & TB positive
关于出国这件事 -It's All About Positioning
Positions at Univeristy of Colorado
如果跟老板关系不好毕业还有出路吗 (转载)
PhD and postdoc positions in computer science available
Ph.D positions available
temporary position 怎么买医疗保险
RA Positions for PhD in CS - Spring/Fall2010
Two RA Positions Available @Univ. of Akron
话题: phd话题: alberta话题: university话题: canada话题: control
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 5
PhD openings in Process Control, University of Alberta, Canada
Dr. Stevan Dubljevic at the Chemical & Materials Engineering Department of
University of Alberta is looking for two self-motivated, easy-going PhD
students who are strongly committed to research for Fall'09 (preferred) and
Spring'10. Please look at the attached advertisement for details.
PhD - Position in Chem. & Mater. Eng. Dept. University of Alberta, Edmonton,
Applications are invited for up to two fully funded PhD posit
1 (共1页)
Two RA Positions Available @Univ. of Akron
MS & PhD student positions in Rheology (转载)
Postdoc Positions_Gas Sensor (转载)
PhD Position at Polytechnic Institute of New York University (NYU)
Two RA Positions in Computer Science (请勿站内回复)
Ph. D. positions in the School of Mechanical Engineering at Georgia Tech
RA Positions in Computer Enginering and Computer Sciences
Research Assistant Positions at VCU (ECE)
PhD and Postdoc positions in optics and metamaterials
PhD and Postdoc positions in optics and metamaterials
话题: phd话题: alberta话题: university话题: canada话题: control