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PDA版 - Got a letter from HP SMB
SMB的email:Your HP TouchPad will be delivered in 6-8 weeks刚致电HP SMB,说还要4~6周处理时间
终于收到HP SB的email了HP SMB要出货了?
刚刚又在HP small business 站点下了两个单听说HP有要多生产几十万的TP
HP SMB tweetHP SMB: Your TP will be delivered within next 2 weeks
下午收到HP SMB的order confirmation,晚上又来封cancellation email。。。你们都受到shipped,我却收到delay,唉。
21号在HPSB下的单 到现在也没ship出来 还有谁和我一样么?hp SMB 状态更新
还有很多人没有收到TP from HP吗?刚给 HP SB 打了电话
果然被SMB涮了Nook Color 断货了?
话题: order话题: smb话题: your话题: stock话题: got
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3622
It has taken us longer than anticipated to work through the high volume of
orders that were received. We apologize for any uncertainty this caused, but
we are now in a position to understand our ability to fulfill your order.
Your order will be fulfilled at the discounted price. As we sold out of our
existing stock very quickly, we are in the process of re-allocating stock to
SMB customers. We should receive this stock within 2 weeks, at which time
your order will then ship with free ground shipping. You will receive a
shipping notification with a tracking number once your order has shipped.
We apologize that these timelines are longer than indicated on the website
at time of purchase.
发帖数: 1022

我咋没收到啊 是不是没戏了 到现在一台也没搞到 看着他们BB搞到好多 羡慕啊 我们
这里localBB一直没有货 不知道还有没有机会

【在 s***d 的大作中提到】
: It has taken us longer than anticipated to work through the high volume of
: orders that were received. We apologize for any uncertainty this caused, but
: we are now in a position to understand our ability to fulfill your order.
: Your order will be fulfilled at the discounted price. As we sold out of our
: existing stock very quickly, we are in the process of re-allocating stock to
: SMB customers. We should receive this stock within 2 weeks, at which time
: your order will then ship with free ground shipping. You will receive a
: shipping notification with a tracking number once your order has shipped.
: We apologize that these timelines are longer than indicated on the website
: at time of purchase.

发帖数: 3622
This letter is for the order I placed on 08/20. I can not find order status
at their website.
For another order I placed on 08/21, I can find order status at their
website, there is no such letter.


【在 s***d 的大作中提到】
: It has taken us longer than anticipated to work through the high volume of
: orders that were received. We apologize for any uncertainty this caused, but
: we are now in a position to understand our ability to fulfill your order.
: Your order will be fulfilled at the discounted price. As we sold out of our
: existing stock very quickly, we are in the process of re-allocating stock to
: SMB customers. We should receive this stock within 2 weeks, at which time
: your order will then ship with free ground shipping. You will receive a
: shipping notification with a tracking number once your order has shipped.
: We apologize that these timelines are longer than indicated on the website
: at time of purchase.

发帖数: 231
got the same letter. ordered 08/20
1 (共1页)
Nook Color 断货了?下午收到HP SMB的order confirmation,晚上又来封cancellation email。。。
HP SMB的状态终于更新了21号在HPSB下的单 到现在也没ship出来 还有谁和我一样么?
HP SMB的状态还有很多人没有收到TP from HP吗?
HP SMB 的单字被cancel又复活还有戏么果然被SMB涮了
SMB的email:Your HP TouchPad will be delivered in 6-8 weeks刚致电HP SMB,说还要4~6周处理时间
终于收到HP SB的email了HP SMB要出货了?
刚刚又在HP small business 站点下了两个单听说HP有要多生产几十万的TP
HP SMB tweetHP SMB: Your TP will be delivered within next 2 weeks
话题: order话题: smb话题: your话题: stock话题: got