Hesitate to give your Kindle Fire to your child just because she/he might
order an one thousand camera accidentally for you? Now you can do something
fairly easy to prevent that happen...
==> Tap upper right corner " More..."
==> Restrictions
==> "Enable Restrictions" tap "ON"
==> You will be asked to create password, enter a password with at least 4
characters) for two times
==> Now " Enable Restrictions" and "Password Proteced Wi-Fi" are both set
to "ON" which means you will be prompted to enter your password (you just
set) in order to enable Wi-Fi.
But make sure to disable Wi-Fi before handing the Kindle Fire to your child
Essentially this is to disable the Wi-Fi thus there is no way your child
will connnect to internet.
Enjoy the convenience. But if your child needs to connect to internet anyway
eg. playing an internet game, then find another way.