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PHILADELPHIA版 - Re: golden globe
丢人了:(明天 11/22 费城 Metro 全版广告抗议ABC/Kimmel
裸奔looking for a cheap auto insurance in PA
Re: 看过小汤哥的同学请发言!如果住KOP,费城downtown上班,怎么通勤?
圣诞节周五去Blue Mountain滑雪召集令!急问Internet service
《Black Book》 一部荷兰版的《色 戒》 (转载)你们的natural gas supplier都用的谁?
中华小星星课后辅导班秋冬季招生 (location: Swarthmore area)昨天看了sex and city2
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话题: globe话题: golden话题: rachel话题: jones话题: mou
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 593
do u like reene? i didn't see any of her movies,
but heard that she is a quite talent actress,
although not very pp, but still cute:)
i switched channels all the time too...and finally fall asleep
before nicole and zhang yi mou showed up. hehe..
i am so happy that "Samansa" and "Rachel" won sth.
they are both funny and fashion women :D
my favorite is always catherin zeta jones........:)
发帖数: 1757
I like her performance in bridget jones diary, haven't had chance to wa
tch chicago yet.
zhang yi mou showed up? i must have missed it. didn't see Hero either,
not interested. we need some new topic in chinese movies
Samantha is great, rachel..... now I don't like friends any more. not f
unny at all. they really should have wrapped it up this year
zeta jones is sort of arrogant to me, hate her commercial for t-mobile.

【在 t****a 的大作中提到】
: do u like reene? i didn't see any of her movies,
: but heard that she is a quite talent actress,
: although not very pp, but still cute:)
: i switched channels all the time too...and finally fall asleep
: before nicole and zhang yi mou showed up. hehe..
: i am so happy that "Samansa" and "Rachel" won sth.
: they are both funny and fashion women :D
: my favorite is always catherin zeta jones........:)

1 (共1页)
如果非让你娶个少民老婆,所南都选维族吧《Black Book》 一部荷兰版的《色 戒》 (转载)
老夫少妻的组合对女性是一种摧残中华小星星课后辅导班秋冬季招生 (location: Swarthmore area)
大胆奔。。。冬天 - San Diego -(updated 新mm)。。。 (转载)费城东北区出租
丢人了:(明天 11/22 费城 Metro 全版广告抗议ABC/Kimmel
裸奔looking for a cheap auto insurance in PA
Re: 看过小汤哥的同学请发言!如果住KOP,费城downtown上班,怎么通勤?
圣诞节周五去Blue Mountain滑雪召集令!急问Internet service
话题: globe话题: golden话题: rachel话题: jones话题: mou