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PHILADELPHIA版 - Farewell my poor baby girl.. (转载)
Philadelphia farewell ——心怀温情的离开[合集] lansdale/north wales附近哪家韩国饭店不错?
告别匪版 大伙来领包子了Today's hot, and girls are getting hot too
Happy girls' day! :)今天晚上星星很多
my sassy girl --zt[合集] 费城韩国饭哪里好吃
[zz] mei(4)A Girl needs a room around PA 19087
[转载] poor keanu信用分数知多少?Poor or Excellent?免费查询,尽快提高到700分
我的偷拍信用分数知多少?Poor or Excellent?免费查询,尽快提高到700分
someone's foot got hurt...信用分数知多少?Poor or Excellent?免费查询,尽快提高到700分
话题: he话题: girl话题: baby话题: farewell话题: my
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 73
【 以下文字转载自 NextGeneration 讨论区 】
发信人: Exhausted (friendly), 信区: NextGeneration
标 题: Farewell my poor baby girl..
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Jan 25 14:23:49 2010, 美东)
I had a reasonably happy marriage until we had this unplanned pregnancy. My
husband asked me to do a baby gender DNA test at 11 weeks and it turned out
to be a girl. He is devastated. This is our 2nd girl and he wants a boy.
He immediately asked me to have an abortion. I told him I want to keep the
baby and I’ll keep trying until we hav
发帖数: 307
never abortion, or you will regret all your life. Think about, just for
your husband not unhappy, you kill your daughter. I think your husband is
very selfish. If one day, your husband ask you sacrifice something else for
his happy, what can you do?
1 (共1页)
信用分数知多少?Poor or Excellent?免费查询,尽快提高到700分[zz] mei(4)
信用分数知多少?Poor or Excellent?免费查询,尽快提高到700分[转载] poor keanu
信用分数知多少?Poor or Excellent?免费查询,尽快提高到700分我的偷拍
信用分数知多少?Poor or Excellent?免费查询,尽快提高到700分someone's foot got hurt...
Philadelphia farewell ——心怀温情的离开[合集] lansdale/north wales附近哪家韩国饭店不错?
告别匪版 大伙来领包子了Today's hot, and girls are getting hot too
Happy girls' day! :)今天晚上星星很多
my sassy girl --zt[合集] 费城韩国饭哪里好吃
话题: he话题: girl话题: baby话题: farewell话题: my