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Parenting版 - 每一个成功孩子的背后都有一对伟大的父母
身教:黃富源.黃瑽寧這對醫生父子 (转载)华裔被隐形歧视,是谁的错? (转载)
兩個媽媽」撫養的女孩:我是同性戀家庭的受害者 (转载)迷茫妈妈求助帖
Chinese Girls are easier to get into IVY?ER 的问题,大家忽视了重要一条。
多教些孩子以后很拉风的东西 :)Facebook创始人 Mark Zuckerberg 会说一点中文
儿子性格太和善,是好事还是坏事?谁家里有THOMAS的火车还有TRAIL什么的给推荐下吧? (转载)
话题: he话题: woods话题: amateur话题: golf话题: zuckerberg
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发帖数: 3319
莎拉波娃兩歲時,全家人又搬到索契,她的父親尤里‧沙拉波夫(Yuri Sharapov
)在當地認識了亞歷山大·卡菲尼可夫(Aleksandr Kafelniko),也就是1996年法網
和1999年澳網男子單打冠軍耶夫戈尼·卡菲尼可夫(Yevgeny Kafelnikov)的父親。四
Bollettieri Tennis Academy)就讀。
Arriving in Florida with savings of US$700, Sharapova's father took various
low-paying jobs, including dishwashing, to fund her lessons until she was
old enough to be admitted to the academy. In 1995, she was signed by IMG,
who agreed to pay the annual tuition fee of $35,000 for Sharapova to stay at
the academy, allowing her to finally enroll at the age of 9.
Woods grew up in Orange County, California. He was a child prodigy,
introduced to golf before the age of two, by his athletic father Earl, a
single-figure handicap amateur golfer who had been one of the earliest
African-American college baseball players at Kansas State University.[17] In
1978, Tiger putted against comedian Bob Hope in a television appearance on
The Mike Douglas Show. At age three, he shot a 48 over nine holes over the
Cypress Navy course, and at age five, he appeared in Golf Digest and on ABC'
s That's Incredible.[18] Before turning seven, Tiger won the Under Age 10
section of the Drive, Pitch, and Putt competition, held at the Navy Golf
Course in Cypress, California.[19] In 1984 at the age of eight, he won the 9
–10 boys' event, the youngest age group available, at the Junior World Golf
Championships.[20] He first broke 80 at age eight.[21] He went on to win
the Junior World Championships six times, including four consecutive wins
from 1988 to 1991.[22][23][24][25][26]
Woods' father Earl wrote that Tiger first beat him when he was 11 years old,
with Earl trying his best. Earl lost to Tiger every time from then on.[27][
28] Woods first broke 70 on a regulation golf course at age 12.[29]
Woods' first major national junior tournament was the 1989 Big I, when he
was 13 years old. Woods was paired with pro John Daly, then relatively
unknown, in the final round; the event's format placed a professional with
each group of juniors who had qualified. Daly birdied three of the last four
holes to beat Woods by only one stroke.[30] As a young teenager, Woods
first met Jack Nicklaus in Los Angeles at the Bel-Air Country Club, when
Nicklaus was performing a clinic for the club's members. Woods was part of
the show, and impressed Nicklaus and the crowd with his skills and potential
.[31] Earl Woods had researched in detail the career accomplishments of
Nicklaus, and had set his young son the goals of breaking those records.[29]
While attending Western High School in Anaheim at the age of 15, Woods
became the youngest ever U.S. Junior Amateur champion (a record which stood
until it was broken by Jin Liu in 2010).[32] He was named 1991's Southern
California Amateur Player of the Year (for the second consecutive year) and
Golf Digest Junior Amateur Player of the Year. In 1992, he defended his
title at the U.S. Junior Amateur Championship, becoming the first multiple
winner; competed in his first PGA Tour event, the Nissan Los Angeles Open (
he missed the 36-hole cut); and was named Golf Digest Amateur Player of the
Year, Golf World Player of the Year, and Golfweek National Amateur of the
The following year, Woods won his third consecutive U.S. Junior Amateur
Championship; he remains the event's only three-time winner.[35] In 1994, at
the TPC at Sawgrass in Florida, he became the youngest-ever winner of the U
.S. Amateur Championship, a record that stood until 2008 when it was broken
by Danny Lee.[36] He was a member of the American team at the 1994
Eisenhower Trophy World Amateur Golf Team Championships (winning), and the
1995 Walker Cup (losing).[37][38]
Woods graduated from Western High School in 1994 at age 18, and was voted "
Most Likely to Succeed" among the graduating class. He had starred for the
high school's golf team under coach Don Crosby.[39]
Zuckerberg began using computers and writing software in middle school. His
father taught him Atari BASIC Programming in the 1990s, and later hired
software developer David Newman to tutor him privately. Newman calls him a "
prodigy", adding that it was "tough to stay ahead of him". Zuckerberg took a
graduate course in the subject at Mercy College near his home while still
in high school. He enjoyed developing computer programs, especially
communication tools and games. In one such program, since his father's
dental practice was operated from their home, he built a software program he
called "ZuckNet" that allowed all the computers between the house and
dental office to communicate with each other. It is considered a "primitive"
version of AOL's Instant Messenger, which came out the following year.[2]
According to writer Jose Antonio Vargas, "some kids played computer games.
Mark created them." Zuckerberg himself recalls this period: "I had a bunch
of friends who were artists. They'd come over, draw stuff, and I'd build a
game out of it." However, notes Vargas, Zuckerberg was not a typical "geek-
klutz", as he later became captain of his prep school fencing team and
earned a classics diploma. Napster co-founder Sean Parker, a close friend,
notes that Zuckerberg was "really into Greek odysseys and all that stuff",
recalling how he once quoted lines from the Roman epic poem Aeneid, by
Virgil, during a Facebook product conference.[2]
During Zuckerberg's high school years, under the company name Intelligent
Media Group, he built a music player called the Synapse Media Player that
used artificial intelligence to learn the user's listening habits, which was
posted to Slashdot[21] and received a rating of 3 out of 5 from PC Magazine
.[22] Microsoft and AOL tried to purchase Synapse and recruit Zuckerberg,
but he chose instead to enroll at Harvard in September 2002.
发帖数: 2770
Tiger Woods。。。在某些方面的确很成功...
发帖数: 3580
发帖数: 3319
是的, 区别就是天份
中国人追求中庸,认为万分之一的机会不会砸到自己孩子身上, 都往万分之9999

【在 n****f 的大作中提到】
: 问题是千百万这样的父母中,孩子成功的寥寥无几。
发帖数: 1085
1 (共1页)
谁家里有THOMAS的火车还有TRAIL什么的给推荐下吧? (转载)费曼的父亲教费曼的故事
儿子在幼儿园磕伤眼角缝了两针Chinese Girls are easier to get into IVY?
本月26号芝加哥拖家带娃BBQ(没娃也欢迎参加) (转载)多教些孩子以后很拉风的东西 :)
deer tick! 父母小心了,危害还挺大的儿子性格太和善,是好事还是坏事?
身教:黃富源.黃瑽寧這對醫生父子 (转载)华裔被隐形歧视,是谁的错? (转载)
兩個媽媽」撫養的女孩:我是同性戀家庭的受害者 (转载)迷茫妈妈求助帖
话题: he话题: woods话题: amateur话题: golf话题: zuckerberg