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不是我没努力,是我太功利10岁 小女孩什么礼物合适, $100-$200 左右
The Lyrid Meteor Shower给儿子买个天文望远镜,请问一下哪个合适作为入门用的?
好烦啊,一直犹犹豫豫要不要买baby in bag8点出门溜狗,看到天上一火球,速度比飞机还快还低,有人看到吗?
Cecilia Payne, astronomerBiggest Meteor Shower of the Year Peaks Tonight
watched moon yesterday看流星雨的一些tips
话题: meteor话题: may话题: said话题: shower话题: event
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3714
Get ready to witness meteor shower next week
Camelopardalids is never-before-seen event, astronomers say
By Aftab Kazmi, Bureau Chief
May 18, 2014
Al Ain: Stargazers in the UAE will get a nature’s treat next week by
witnessing a never-before-seen meteor shower called Camelopardalids.
The spectacular shower will be visible on the morning of May 24 when the
earth, for the first time, will pass through comet 209P/Linear’s leftovers.
Astronomers have been making arrangements all over the world to see the
event, with many expected to gather in Dubai’s desert at a spot away from
the light pollution.
Abdul Wahab from Dubai Astronomy Group said a public event would be arranged
on the evening of May 23 until sunrise at Bab Al Shams Desert Resort with
an expected attendance of more than 500 stargazers. Nature’s spectacular
show will also be broadcast on the web in collaboration with Slooh
Telescopes and Astronomers without Borders, he said.
He said the debris trail from comet 209P/Linear, discovered in 2004, is the
originator of this meteor shower and the Earth will cross the comet path on
the morning of the May 24. “Based on professional forecasts this new meteor
shower could be an astronomical experience of a lifetime and produce a
unique meteor storm,” he added.
Astronomers said the meteor showers such as Leonids and Perseids have been
happening for hundreds of years, but Camelopardalids would be happening for
the first time. The chunks of rock and material, left by comet 209P/Linear
will burn up in the atmosphere to form shooting or falling stars.
The storm, Abdul Wahab said, would see dense outbursts of bright multiple
meteors and provide in excess of 1,000 shooting stars an hour during the
peak happening. Lowest expectation would be 60-100 meteors an hour
throughout the night, he said.
Dubai Astronomy Group’s event, he said, will also provide visitors an
opportunity to look through the club telescopes at other celestial objects
including Saturn, Mars, double stars, globular clusters, nebula and other
deep sky objects, in addition to moonrise just before sunrise, in close
conjunction with the planet Venus. The event will feature live presentations
and videos about the night sky, plus live broadcasts with others in the
international outreach community, he added.
1 (共1页)
New Haven天文学协会邀请大家看星星Cecilia Payne, astronomer
小甜甜们,出来看星星?watched moon yesterday
不是我没努力,是我太功利10岁 小女孩什么礼物合适, $100-$200 左右
The Lyrid Meteor Shower给儿子买个天文望远镜,请问一下哪个合适作为入门用的?
好烦啊,一直犹犹豫豫要不要买baby in bag8点出门溜狗,看到天上一火球,速度比飞机还快还低,有人看到吗?
话题: meteor话题: may话题: said话题: shower话题: event