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话题: school话题: baer话题: he话题: novel话题: her
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发帖数: 14743
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: cmvmei (cmvmei), 信区: USANews
标 题: Re: 擦,学校board meeting上家长被当场逮捕
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Jun 21 16:29:52 2014, 美东)
New Hampshire father opposes required reading of ‘pornographic’ novel in
9th grade English
May 5, 2014
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Ben Velderman Ben Velderman
Ben is a communications specialist for EAG and joined in 2010. He is a
former member of the Michigan Education Association.
UPDATE: Dad arrested at school board meeting…
GILFORD, N.H. – William Baer has encountered some eyebrow-raising policies
and practices during his children’s years in public schools, but he still
wasn’t prepared for what he discovered last Wednesday night.
Jodi Picoult bookThat was the night Baer learned that his 14-year-old
daughter had been assigned to read a novel that contains a passage so
sexually explicit that he described it as “pornographic.”
The novel, “Nineteen Minutes,” by Jodi Picoult is a controversial book
that tells the story of a fictional school shooting and the people it
affects. Though the book has been part of the curriculum in New Hampshire’s
Gilford High School since 2007, when it was assigned last Monday, school
officials gave no notice to parents of freshmen English students that the
book was being read, or of the novel’s sexually explicit content.
Baer tells EAGnews he became aware of the book’s objectionable material
purely by chance. A family friend was visiting last Wednesday and talking to
Baer’s 14-year-old daughter about how things were going in school. When
she mentioned that she’d just been assigned the novel, the friend picked up
the book and casually opened it to page 313 which contains a very graphic
description of a sexual encounter between two adolescents. The friend was
aghast as he read the passage, and asked Baer if he was aware of the book’s
“I was shocked when I read the passage, and not much shocks me anymore,”
Baer says. “My wife was stunned by the increasingly graphic nature of the
sexual content of the scene and the imagery it evoked.”
Here’s an excerpt from the explicit passage:
“‘Relax,’ Matt murmured, and then he sank his teeth into her shoulder. He
pinned her hands over her head and ground his hips against hers. She could
feel his erection, hot against her stomach.
” … She couldn’t remember ever feeling so heavy, as if her heart were
beating between her legs. She clawed at Matt’s back to bring him closer.
“‘Yeah,’ he groaned, and her pushed her thighs apart. And then suddenly
Matt was inside her, pumping so hard that she scooted backward on the carpet
, burning the backs of her legs. … (H)e clamped his hand over her mouth and
drove harder and harder until Josie felt him come.
“Semen, sticky and hot, pooled on the carpet beneath her.”
Understandably, Baer doesn’t want his daughter exposed to this kind of
material, and says the school “has no business introducing such themes” to
his daughter.
He’s also disturbed by school officials’ failure to notify parents that
this novel was assigned, and there was no opportunity to “opt out.”
Baer, who is an attorney, believes that if someone stood outside the school
and handed out copies of the novel’s sexually charged passage to students,
he would likely be arrested and prosecuted.
He questions why it’s acceptable for “the state, through its schools and
agents,” to mandate reading and discussing this same material.
In a written response to an EAGnews inquiry, Gilford school leaders admit
they didn’t warn parents of the book’s controversial nature like they have
in previous years, and promised to send a letter to the home “of all
students who are currently assigned the book.”
We can only wonder whether the school leadership will see fit to include
page 313 with its notice.
Government schools pushing their perverted worldview
For Baer, this incident is the latest indication that the nation’s public
education system is bent on indoctrinating children with moral relativism.
He believes the politicians and educators running the public school system
want to dismantle the family unit, and undermine traditional morality, “
though they’re never going to admit this.”
“Many people in education and government truly believe our children are
theirs. That parents are only the custodians who feed them and put a roof
over their head. These school incidents are a byproduct of this ‘we know
best’ philosophy. They believe they have the authority to do this. If
people were more complacent, which is hard to imagine, it’d be even worse.”
Baer plans to attend the Gilford School Board meeting on Monday evening to
discuss this issue with the leadership of the school.
An EAGnews investigation finds that Picoult’s “Nineteen Minutes” is used
in several school districts throughout the nation.
California’s Sobrato High School includes the novel on its “9th Grade
Advanced Common Core” recommended reading list.
Pennsylvania’s Deer Lakes High School includes the book in its “Advanced
Academic English II” class.
G.W. Hewlett High School in New York has made the novel part of its summer
reading list for incoming 11th graders. The district, however, does caution
parents that some of the books on the list contain “mature” language and
发帖数: 1129
I saw the video. The father was apparently very upset and a bit emotiona,
Welcome to brave new world...
发帖数: 3855
发帖数: 19398

【在 J*******p 的大作中提到】
: I saw the video. The father was apparently very upset and a bit emotiona,
: understandably.
: Welcome to brave new world...

发帖数: 4059

★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 8.7

【在 n****g 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
: 发信人: cmvmei (cmvmei), 信区: USANews
: 标 题: Re: 擦,学校board meeting上家长被当场逮捕
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Jun 21 16:29:52 2014, 美东)
: New Hampshire father opposes required reading of ‘pornographic’ novel in
: 9th grade English
: May 5, 2014
: submit to reddit
: Ben Velderman Ben Velderman
: Ben is a communications specialist for EAG and joined in 2010. He is a

发帖数: 8333
发帖数: 8291

【在 j******p 的大作中提到】
: 这种书显然不适合中学生阅读啊。
: 选这书的administrators都是脑子进水了吗?

发帖数: 8291
这个家长确实有扰乱board meeting秩序。警察只是请他出场,
这本书绝对不应该出现在推荐书目里。这个家长有非常valid point.
一起提出complain, 在board规定的时间里参加发言。多几个家长联合complain,这本书
希望大家对school district和board meeting的运作有所了解,

【在 n****g 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
: 发信人: cmvmei (cmvmei), 信区: USANews
: 标 题: Re: 擦,学校board meeting上家长被当场逮捕
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Jun 21 16:29:52 2014, 美东)
: New Hampshire father opposes required reading of ‘pornographic’ novel in
: 9th grade English
: May 5, 2014
: submit to reddit
: Ben Velderman Ben Velderman
: Ben is a communications specialist for EAG and joined in 2010. He is a

发帖数: 1129

这个家长表明姿态的方式和态度是有些欠妥... 不过,似乎board meeting 规定的一位
家长的发言提问时间只有 2 分钟。听一位school board member 讲,很多 member 是
职业政客,school board 只是跳板而已,他们才不关心学校和学生的福祉呢。也有因
为关心孩子教育的 board member, 人数不多就是。
是应该了解和参与;最好的最有效的参与方法,大概是去竞选 school board。

【在 t*c 的大作中提到】
: 这个家长确实有扰乱board meeting秩序。警察只是请他出场,
: 跟逮捕毫不相关吧。
: 这本书绝对不应该出现在推荐书目里。这个家长有非常valid point.
: 但是在美国的斗争方式,不是以当场吵架为有效方式的。这个家长需要联合其他家长,
: 一起提出complain, 在board规定的时间里参加发言。多几个家长联合complain,这本书
: 很快就会被移出书目。
: 希望大家对school district和board meeting的运作有所了解,
: 按照游戏规则积极参与。

1 (共1页)
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话题: school话题: baer话题: he话题: novel话题: her