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Pharmaceutical版 - Another impact from Alza laying off [zz]
Rumor? Alza is off?据说Sanofi要layoff 20%
Bayer is closing CT R&D site, laying off 800请问50人左右的start up 公司前景如何
Pfizer to Lay Off 10,000 to Cut Costssanofi are laying off 100 people in oncology R&D
一般药厂裁人,生统的风险大吗?GSK laying off another 180 workers in RTP
[合集] 一直不明白pfizer怎末会是药界老大?Please help me make a decision, thank you!
is novartis laying off?Need your opinion before say YES or NO to my kids:-)
有在ABBOTT工作的吗? 帮忙推荐一下可爱小puppy待领养,洛杉矶地区
请问那种很小的start up pharmaceutical company的前景湾区beagle puppy求寄养(6/19 - 6/30) (转载)
话题: alza话题: homes话题: another话题: facility话题: johnson
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 10109
zz from wenxuecity:
Alza Corporation, a Johnson & Johnson Company is closing their
Mountain View facility.
The animal test facility has 40, 16 month old beagle puppies that
DESPERATELY need good loving homes.
These dogs were NEVER tested.
If you know of anyone, a rescue or are interested in helping give
these puppies homes, please contact Rick Bible at
a**********[email protected].
The facility manager will have to put them to sleep if no homes are
found by OCTOBER 15TH.
Thanks,Please give this wide
发帖数: 23

【在 K******S 的大作中提到】
: zz from wenxuecity:
: Alza Corporation, a Johnson & Johnson Company is closing their
: Mountain View facility.
: The animal test facility has 40, 16 month old beagle puppies that
: DESPERATELY need good loving homes.
: These dogs were NEVER tested.
: If you know of anyone, a rescue or are interested in helping give
: these puppies homes, please contact Rick Bible at
: a**********[email protected].
: The facility manager will have to put them to sleep if no homes are

发帖数: 12

【在 K******S 的大作中提到】
: zz from wenxuecity:
: Alza Corporation, a Johnson & Johnson Company is closing their
: Mountain View facility.
: The animal test facility has 40, 16 month old beagle puppies that
: DESPERATELY need good loving homes.
: These dogs were NEVER tested.
: If you know of anyone, a rescue or are interested in helping give
: these puppies homes, please contact Rick Bible at
: a**********[email protected].
: The facility manager will have to put them to sleep if no homes are

发帖数: 8658
they have been taken care of

【在 m********n 的大作中提到】
: 只能在local认领么?
发帖数: 10109
no idea. curious if there's any specific reason to use beagle.

【在 m********n 的大作中提到】
: 只能在local认领么?
1 (共1页)
湾区beagle puppy求寄养(6/19 - 6/30) (转载)[合集] 一直不明白pfizer怎末会是药界老大?
准新寵報到, 無奈改breedis novartis laying off?
可爱小puppy待领养,洛杉矶地区 (转载)有在ABBOTT工作的吗? 帮忙推荐一下
看一下俺新买的狗狗,请大家评一下。请问那种很小的start up pharmaceutical company的前景
Rumor? Alza is off?据说Sanofi要layoff 20%
Bayer is closing CT R&D site, laying off 800请问50人左右的start up 公司前景如何
Pfizer to Lay Off 10,000 to Cut Costssanofi are laying off 100 people in oncology R&D
一般药厂裁人,生统的风险大吗?GSK laying off another 180 workers in RTP
话题: alza话题: homes话题: another话题: facility话题: johnson