j**d 发帖数: 825 | 1 自己是做oligonucleotide,合成DNA, RNA.
Biochemistry Phd 做的nucleosite 的合成,还有分析的Master.
ps: Boston地区哪里能打点工,赚点钱,谢谢了。 | H********f 发帖数: 289 | 2 Amgen has 10 opennings this month, I can give you the contact info of the
staffing consultant if you want to try. | a**5 发帖数: 94 | 3 搭车同求Boston的volunteer的机会,Medicinal Chemistry/Organic Chemistry 方向
【在 H********f 的大作中提到】 : Amgen has 10 opennings this month, I can give you the contact info of the : staffing consultant if you want to try.