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Pharmacy版 - 如何增加自己在组织机构里的可视度 How visible are you?
有没有作pharmacy technician的,不知道读出来好找工作吗?不知道写啥题目 关于工作的
求教online Pharm D. degree.
想找个今年考NAPLEX朋友交流交流ASHP midyear
真心请教大家读书期间怎麽找药房打工pharmacy benefit managers是什么?
Residency opportunity.申请RESIDENCY/FELLOWSHIP的朋友
retail pharmacy都杀红了眼了呢想问下Pharmacist licence, Pharmacy intern licence 和 Pharmacy technician licence的区别
话题: your话题: pharmacy话题: others话题: visibility话题: always
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 688
受到某位大神指点,开始有意无意关注Sara White。虽然没有读过她的长篇大作(汗
以先从提问开始培养胆量),多为组织volunteer或者ask for highly visible
How Visible Are You?
By Sara White posted Sun, Jan 25, 2015 09:33 AM
To be an effective leader for your area you must increase your visibility/
raise your profile at work. The Mind Tools Club offers the following advice.
Most people feel uncomfortable promoting themselves however they are
limiting the opportunities they and the pharmacy department will have.
Consider promoting as marketing which is educating not selling.
Consider the following tactics
1. Speak up at meetings and don't be afraid of how others will react.
Great opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge and become comfortable being
the center of attention. Perhaps asking questions is a more comfortable way
to begin speaking up and showing that you are an active participant. Don't
wait to be discovered as you are representing all of pharmacy by your
actions. Prepare by reading the agenda ahead of time and thinking about
where you can contribute
2. Strength your relationship with your boss.
Always keep your superior informed and use the contact time to educate them
about the impact/value pharmacy brings using specific examples. Ask for
suggestions on how you/pharmacy can add more value. Seek out their
priorities and the organization’s so you know where to focus your attention
. Helping them be successful assists your and pharmacy’s success
3. Ask/volunteer for high-visibility projects.
Use your relationships with others throughout the organization to identify
projects where you and/or your staff could collaborate because these may get
you more exposure to decision makers such as senior executives. Assisting
in ACOs, CMS measures, HCAPs etc. are some examples
4. Volunteer to represent pharmacy.
When pharmacy needs to be represented at cross departmental meetings see if
you can attend If presentations need to be made seek them out because in
addition to increasing your visibility they build your confidence.
5. Participate in learning opportunities.
Organization wide events are a great place to build and enhance
relationships outside of pharmacy. Utilize training programs provided to not
only continue your development but to build relationships. Always make an
effort to contribute when you attend.
6. Demonstrate your expertise.
When you are seen as an expert you will develop the reputation as someone
others can come to for assistance which can lead to interesting projects.
You raise your profile by sharing what you know by writing a blog for your
organization’s intranet, produce and distribute White papers on current
issues, etc
7. Form a mastermind group.
Seek out like minded individuals and discuss current issues/trends.
8. Grow your network.
Don’t always hang out with people you already know especially at
professional meetings. Actively participate in community and charity events
as well as professional meetings
9. Find a mentor(s).
Great way to benefit from others experiences. They can open their network to
you through introductions.
10. Highlight others’ achievements.
Always share credit with others even if it was your idea as they are more
likely to reciprocate. Suggest them for potential speakers. Be generous in
the names you put on your publications
发帖数: 15
Great topic. Where can we find her blog? Can u post a link?
发帖数: 688
在ASHP Connect里有她的专栏。不过需要ASHP membership login.
发帖数: 671

【在 u*******s 的大作中提到】
: 受到某位大神指点,开始有意无意关注Sara White。虽然没有读过她的长篇大作(汗
: ),但是经常看她的博客更新,觉得内容很有帮助。这里就是一篇指导药剂师(和其他
: 所有职业)增加自己在机构里的可视度的小短文。作为培养leadership的第一步,
: visibility很重要。文中列举的都是简单可行的小tips。比如开会的时候大胆发言(可
: 以先从提问开始培养胆量),多为组织volunteer或者ask for highly visible
: project,多参加学习机会,和多承认他人的成就。
: 下面是全文给大家参考。
: How Visible Are You?
: By Sara White posted Sun, Jan 25, 2015 09:33 AM
: To be an effective leader for your area you must increase your visibility/

发帖数: 27
发帖数: 288
不是phamacist, 我的感觉也是开会多发言, 我有时开会时情绪好, 谁发言我都忍不住
跟着说一堆, 兴奋起来几乎停不下, 虽然有人说那地方的员工不好, 可我没觉得有什么
不好, 他们背后也说我不错, 今天还传到我耳朵里了
发帖数: 688

【在 l***9 的大作中提到】
: http://connect.ashp.org/blogs/sara-white
1 (共1页)
想问下Pharmacist licence, Pharmacy intern licence 和 Pharmacy technician licence的区别真心请教大家读书期间怎麽找药房打工
Cong! DazhiResidency opportunity.
请问申请residency的师兄师姐们retail pharmacy都杀红了眼了呢
有没有作pharmacy technician的,不知道读出来好找工作吗?不知道写啥题目 关于工作的
求教online Pharm D. degree.
想找个今年考NAPLEX朋友交流交流ASHP midyear
话题: your话题: pharmacy话题: others话题: visibility话题: always