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PhotoGear版 - 夢想與奮鬥-中華學子來美150年紀念攝影比賽 (转载)
War photographer using his iPhone请问这个灯好不好?
bestbuy 给员工的内部价 【N C都有】完了,把大师给得罪了。。。。
介绍两个专业的portrait/fashion photographic industry的网站photographer-and-photojournalist-rank-at-the-bottom-of-bes
万佛,关于旅行证照片佳能rumors 有些撑不住劲了
Wedding Pro still use 30D+28-135ZT $ 6.5 million for a photo of antelope canyon...
Sigma 200-500mm f/2.8 APO EX DG $28,999.00那个羚羊谷照片卖了650万美金的Peter Lik的传记
Best photographic websites?【2015总结】总结完了好向前看
话题: chinese话题: facebook话题: stanford话题: university话题: alumni
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 26
【 以下文字转载自 PhotoForum 讨论区 】
发信人: MPPP (开心一族), 信区: PhotoForum
标 题: 夢想與奮鬥-中華學子來美150年紀念攝影比賽
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Mar 7 20:33:05 2011, 美东)
To celebrate the Centennial Anniversary of Chinese students visiting America
, the Chinese Women’s
Collective at Stanford (CWCS), the United Chinese Alumni Associations (UCAA)
and the Dalian University of
Technology Silicon Valley Alumni Association (DUTSVAA) are jointly
sponsoring a photography contest titled
“150 Years of Dreams and Struggles: the lives and spirit of Chinese
Students in America”. We’re looking for
original compositions that depict the lives of Chinese Americans, students
and expats in a way that best
exhibit their hopes, dreams, aspirations, and trailblazing spirit.
All submissions will be shown on our Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/pages/150-Years-of-
Dreams-and-Struggles-Photography-contest/114163348658874#! and our website
http://www.ucaanc.org/. The most "liked" photograph on Facebook will be awarded the special prize
"People on Facebook like me award". People can visit our website http://www.ucaanc.org/ after March 15th
to vote officially. We will choose top 10 photos in each category based on
official votes. The most liked
facebook photos and the top 10 photos will be exhibited at Stanford
University in April as part of Stanford
Herstory events, at which time we will give a prize and certificate for the
best photograph and the most-
liked photograph in each category.
To participate: Email your photograph(s) to u*******[email protected] on or before
Tuesday, Mar 15, 2011.
Please indicate your name, affiliated university or organization (if
applicable), and contact information in
Chinese or English, and a concise description of the subject matter (
The categories are:
1) People
2) Cityscapes
3) Nature and Animal Life
4) Others
Please note that person can not submit more than one picture in each
category, so maximum is four photos
per person.
Selection method:
Initial submissions will be shown on our Facebook page and a special award
will be given to the picture
with most "Like" in each category. Official voting will start on March 15 at
our website
http://www.ucaanc.org/. The 10 best photos in each category and the Facebook special award winner will
then be exhibited at Stanford University in April.
Chinese Women’s Collective at Stanford
United Chinese Alumni Associations
Dalian University of Technology Silicon Valley Alumni Association
1 (共1页)
去公园拍一个小女孩Wedding Pro still use 30D+28-135
这个分辨力大家觉得够高不Sigma 200-500mm f/2.8 APO EX DG $28,999.00
擦,居然收到collection的一封信Best photographic websites?
War photographer using his iPhone请问这个灯好不好?
bestbuy 给员工的内部价 【N C都有】完了,把大师给得罪了。。。。
介绍两个专业的portrait/fashion photographic industry的网站photographer-and-photojournalist-rank-at-the-bottom-of-bes
万佛,关于旅行证照片佳能rumors 有些撑不住劲了
话题: chinese话题: facebook话题: stanford话题: university话题: alumni