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PhotoGear版 - Ebola in New Heaven
无能的美国政府将导致Ebola的灾难扩大 (转载)
[转载]富士康跳楼员工是我同学 这是他最后的聊天记录 (转载)
Even better than Holloway or Shumilova
Bridal Portrait
在ebay上买个 canon 7D, 可靠么?
话题: yale话题: ebola话题: new话题: student话题: salovey
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 14662
发帖数: 1802
I write to share with you a message that President Salovey just sent to the
Yale community, with news that a doctoral student who returned recently from
a research mission to Liberia was hospitalized on Wednesday night, in an
abundance of caution, after developing a low-grade fever. There is no
indication at this time that the student has contracted the Ebola virus.
I will pass along information as soon as it becomes available. For now, you
can find the most current information about the virus, and the university's
response to it, at the websites President Salovey mentions, below: Yale News
, and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. I encourage you, just
as President Salovey does, to learn all you can about Ebola from these
excellent resources.
Jonathan Holloway
Dean of Yale College
Professor of African American Studies, History, and American Studies
October 16, 2014
To the Yale Community,
As you may have learned from reports in the media, one of the doctoral
students who returned recently from a research mission to Liberia was
hospitalized in isolation on Wednesday night after developing a low-grade
fever. There is no indication at this time that the student has contracted
the Ebola virus (EVD). The hospitalization decision was made out of an
abundance of caution, on the recommendation of the student’s doctors, local
and state health officials, and the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC). The student is being monitored, and Yale-New Haven
Hospital is working with the CDC and the State Department of Public Health
to have the student tested for EVD, but the results will not be available
I understand that this situation may be worrying to some of you, to your
families and friends, and to members of the Yale and New Haven communities.
The health and safety of our interconnected communities is always our
highest priority. The doctoral students who visited Liberia are
knowledgeable about public health. They have reported that they were not in
contact with Ebola patients or caregivers in Liberia, that they carefully
followed recommended travel and hygiene precautions during their stay in the
country and that they have continued to do so since their return. In
addition, I know our colleagues at Yale-New Haven Hospital are well prepared
to address this situation, however it develops, with compassion and skill.
I encourage you to find out all you can about Ebola, its transmission, and
its treatment and cure. In-depth information is available at a special web
page that has been compiled on the YaleNews site and at the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention’s website.
Before closing, I feel that I should directly address the question of why
our Public Health students – or why anyone affiliated with Yale – would
even consider traveling to these dangerous parts of the world. As an
academic institution with a research and teaching mission and a long
tradition of service, it is important for our clinicians and investigators
to be able to go where they can put their training and expertise to the
highest, best use. Some members of our community with special expertise may
be called on to engage directly in order to advance knowledge and
understanding, to treat the sick, or to tend to those who are displaced or
suffering. If they do, I hope we will all offer gratitude and support, just
as we do now for our hospitalized student.
We will keep you posted as we learn more over the next few days.
Peter Salovey
President and Chris Argyris Professor of Psychology
发帖数: 1767
Oh, shit...
发帖数: 112
It's negative. Confirmed.
1 (共1页)
在ebay上买个 canon 7D, 可靠么?
Contax T2
到了毕业典礼的季节了, 请教版内大拿,
再遇 Ebay 诈骗
话题: yale话题: ebola话题: new话题: student话题: salovey